Fun Back To School Bulletin Board Displays
Teaching Resources to Help You Decorate Your Classroom
Welcome to my Back To School
bulletin board displays page.
This page contains teaching resources that will help you to decorate your classroom
and create an engaging learning environment for your students at
the beginning of a new school year.
On this page you will find: Grades 1 - 8 display sets, Happy Birthday classroom displays,
August and September calendar sets, and matching sets of teaching resources.
I hope that these Back to School classroom and bulletin board displays
will help you to create a colorful and welcoming environment inside your
classroom for the first week of school.
Back to School Banner Set
Grades 1 - 8 Customized Welcome Back to School
Bulletin Board Display Banners
Back To School Bulletin Board Displays
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- Print as many copies as you want.
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Back to School Bulletin Board Displays: Grade 1 Banner Example
(5 colorful printable worksheets that are glued together to form a banner.)
Back to School Bulletin Board Displays: Grade 4 Banner Example
(The banners for Grades 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, and 8 are not shown.)
Are you looking for a Welcome Back To School bulletin board display banner
for your classroom that is customized for the grade level that you teach?
There are 8 different grade level banners (Grades 1 - 8) included in this set of
Back to School bulletin board displays.
Examples of the Grade 1 and Grade 4 banners are shown above.
Although you will only use one set of these grade level Back to School
banners this year, be sure to save the entire set of banners to use for the future.
As teachers, we are often switching the grades that we teach and you can use this
welcome banner with the other grade levels that you teach in the future.
Grade Level (1 - 8) Back to School Pack
Grades 1 - 8 Customized Classroom Display Sets
Back To School Bulletin Board Displays
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- Print as many copies as you want.
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Are you looking for a classroom and bulletin board display set that is customized
to the grade level that you teach?
This Back To School bulletin board displays set contains 11 different sets of
classroom decorations for Grades 1 - 8.
There are 29 pages of printable worksheets in this set. To save space, I have only provided
examples of the Grade 5 set of teaching resources.
This Back To School bulletin board displays set contains the following:
1. Large Vertical Pencils
2. Caterpillar Grade Level Banner
3. Chalkboard Displays
4. Book Bag Displays
5. Color Pencil Boxes
6. Small Color Pencils
7. Large Color Pencils
8. Road Signs
9. Footballs
10. Megaphones
11. Apples
Back To School Bulletin Board Displays Set #1:
2 Large Vertical Pencils
This set of teaching resources includes a vertical two page banner
that is cut out and then glued together to form two long pencils.
The pencils for Grades 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, and 8 are not shown.
Back To School Bulletin Board Displays Set #2:
Caterpillar Grade Level Banner Display
Cut out and glue these 7 templates together to form a caterpillar banner.
This grade level caterpillar banner would be perfect to display
above your whiteboard, chalkboard, or bulletin board.
The caterpillars for Grades 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, and 8 are not shown.
Back To School Bulletin Board Displays Set #3:
Chalkboard Displays
These one page chalkboard templates are a
great way to welcome your students Back To School.
The chalkboards for Grades 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, and 8 are not shown.
Back To School Bulletin Board Displays Set #4:
Book Bag Displays
These one page book bag templates say
GRADE 5 RULES! and GRADE 5 Students Stick Together!
The bookbags for Grades 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, and 8 are not shown.
Back To School Bulletin Board Displays Set #5:
Color Pencil Box Displays
These brightly colored pencil boxes are one page templates that can be
used as additional grade level accent pieces for any bulletin board display.
The color pencil boxes for Grades 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, and 8 are not shown.
Back To School Classroom Display Set #6:
Color Pencil Displays
These smaller pencil templates say: Welcome To Grade 5!
Grade 5 Students Are Sharp! and Grade 5 is the WRITE Place To Be!
The pencils for Grades 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, and 8 are not shown.
Back To School Bulletin Board Displays Set #7:
2 Large Color Pencil Displays
These two brightly colored pencil templates are two templates that are
glued together and then cut out as two long vertical pencil displays.
The pencils for Grades 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, and 8 are not shown.
Back To School Bulletin Board Displays Set #8:
Grade Level Road Signs
These three road signs are each one page templates that have
phrases written on them that highlight the grade level that you teach.
The road signs for Grades 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, and 8 are not shown.
Back To School Bulletin Board Displays Set #9:
Two Footballs
Encourage your students to remember the importance of working
together cooperatively as a team with these football accent pieces.
The footballs for Grades 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, and 8 are not shown.
Back To School Bulletin Board Displays Set #10:
Two Megaphones
These brightly colored megaphones are one page templates that can be
used as additional grade level accent pieces for any bulletin board display.
The megaphones for Grades 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, and 8 are not shown.
Back To School Bulletin Board Displays Set #11:
Three Apples
These brightly colored apples are one page templates that can be used
as additional grade level accent pieces for any bulletin board display.
The apples for Grades 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, and 8 are not shown.
Although you will only use one set of these grade level
displays this year, be sure to save the entire set of classroom displays to
use for the future.
As teachers, we are often switching the grades that
we teach and you can use these classroom displays with the other grade
levels that you teach in the future.
Happy Birthday Football Classroom Display Set
Back To School Bulletin Board Displays
Click on the Add to Cart button above to purchase this set of teaching resources.
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- Print as many copies as you want.
- Save and reuse this resource forever!
This 5 page banner is included in this set of Back to School bulletin board displays.
This banner is set up to look like a football field.
It is divided into 12 yard lines to mark the 12 months of the year.
Are you looking for a set of resources to use to display your students'
birthdays that contains a football theme?
This set of birthday footballs is unique, fun, and available
in both PDF format and Microsoft Word
so that you can type on the templates and customize them yourself.
These football templates measure
7 inches in width and 4 inches in height. The templates
contain thick black borders, so the footballs are easy to cut out.
This birthday display set comes in two formats. The first is a PDF
file for teachers who do not have Microsoft Word on their computers or who
are not very familiar with using Microsoft Word and text boxes.
With the PDF format of this resource, you simply have to print a
football for each student. On each football template, write a student's name,
birthday month, and date.
Birthday Football Display Set 1: PDF Format
Below is an example of a football template in the PDF format.
Birthday Football Display Set 2: Microsoft Word Format
By using the Microsoft Word version of this resource, you can customize each student's
football yourself by typing your students' names and birthdays directly
on the football templates.
With the Microsoft Word version, you can change the color, font, and size of the student's
name which is written across the middle of the football. You can also change the
font and the color of the month and birthday.
This football Happy Birthday set will make an eye catching bulletin board
display highlighting your students' birthdays.
Your students will enjoy seeing
their birthday footballs customized and typed
according to their own birthday information.
Below are 2 examples of birthday footballs that have been customized differently.
In order to showcase your students' birthday footballs, I suggest
creating a classroom bulletin board display that is a large football field.
You will need a green background for the football field
and you should section it off into 12 black yard lines, for the 12 months of the year. The first
yard line would be for January, and students who are born in January
would have their footballs stapled along this yard line.
Below is an example of an idea that I would use to design a
bulletin board display that contains a large football field that would showcase my students'
birthday footballs.
This visual example is included in the
directions section of this set of teaching resource.
In order to help you design a large football field, this Back to School
bulletin board displays set includes flag and cone accent pieces.
There are 12 sets of monthly flags and cones (January is shown below)
and 2 sets of black and white flags and cones for the 2 goal lines.
Matching Football Sticker Charts
I have created a matching set of
football sticker charts that you may be
interested in using along with the
birthday footballs that are found above.
Happy Birthday Soccer (or football)
Classroom Display Set
(Many countries other than the United States refer to this sport as football.)
Back To School Bulletin Board Displays
Click on the Add to Cart button above to purchase this set of teaching resources.
You will be emailed a download link for this resource so you can download and use it today!
- Secure payment method through Paypal.
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- Print as many copies as you want.
- Save and reuse this resource forever!
Above: Soccer Banner
Since many countries call this sport football, there are two different
bulletin board display banners in this set of teaching resources.
Below: Football Banner
These banners are set up to look like a soccer field.
They are divided into 12 yard lines to mark the 12 months of the year.
Are you looking for a set of teaching resources to use to display your students'
birthdays that contains a soccer theme?
This set of birthday soccer balls is unique, fun, and available
in both PDF format and Microsoft Word
so that you can type on the templates and customize them yourself.
These soccer ball templates measure
5 inches in width and 5 inches in height. The templates
contain thick black borders, so the soccer balls are easy to cut out.
This birthday display set comes in two formats. The first is a PDF
file for teachers who do not have Microsoft Word on their computers or who
are not very familiar with using Microsoft Word and text boxes.
With the PDF format of this resource, you simply have to print a
soccer ball for each student. On each soccer ball template, write a student's name,
birthday month, and date.
Birthday Soccer Ball Display Set 1: PDF Format
Below is an example of a soccer ball template in the PDF format.
Birthday Soccer Ball Display Set 2: Microsoft Word Format
By using the Microsoft Word version of this resource, you can customize each student's
soccer ball yourself by typing your students' names and birthdays directly
on the soccer ball templates.
With the Microsoft Word version, you can change the color, font, and size of the student's
name which is written across the middle of the soccer ball. You can also change the
font and the color of the month and birthday.
This soccer Happy Birthday set will make an eye catching bulletin board
display highlighting your students' birthdays.
Your students will enjoy seeing
their birthday soccer balls customized and typed
according to their own birthday information.
Below are 2 examples of birthday soccer balls that have been customized differently.
In order to showcase your students' birthday soccer balls, I suggest
creating a classroom bulletin board display that is a large soccer field.
You will need a green background for the soccer field
and you should section it off into 12 black yard lines, for the 12 months of the year. The first
yard line would be for January, and students who are born in January
would have their soccer balls stapled along this yard line.
Below is an example of an idea that I would use to design a
bulletin board display that contains a large soccer field that would showcase my students'
birthday soccer balls.
This visual example is included in the
directions section of this set of teaching resource.
In order to help you design a large soccer field, this Back to School
bulletin board displays set includes flag and cone accent pieces.
There are 12 sets of monthly flags and cones (January is shown below)
and 2 sets of black and white flags and cones for the 2 goal lines.
Matching Soccer Sticker Charts
I have created a matching set of
soccer sticker charts that you may be
interested in using along with the
birthday soccer balls that are found above.
Ice Cream Cone Birthday Display Set
Back To School Bulletin Board Displays
Click on the Add to Cart button above to purchase this set of teaching resources.
You will be emailed a download link for this resource so you can download and use it today!
- Secure payment method through Paypal.
- Use your credit card or Paypal account.
- Download link is emailed to you today!
- Print as many copies as you want.
- Save and reuse this resource forever!
The above four page vertical Happy Birthday banner is
included in this Back to School bulletin board displays set.
Are you looking for a set of resources to use to display your students' birthdays?
Are you looking for a set of birthday teaching resources that are colorful, unique,
and available in both PDF format and Microsoft Word that you can type on the
templates and customize yourself?
The 12 monthly birthday ice cream scoops in this set are designed in 6
different colors. This vertical birthday display measures approximately
70 inches in height when the 12 scoops and cone have been glued together.
This birthday ice cream display set comes in two formats. The first is a
PDF file for teachers who do not have Microsoft Word on their computers or
who are not very familiar with using Microsoft Word and text boxes.
With the PDF format of this resource, you simply have to print out the
ice cream scoops for the 12 months of the year and the labels provided.
Next, cut out the scoops and labels, write the students' names and birthdays on the labels,
and glue the labels onto the ice cream templates.
Below are examples of the 12 scoops of ice cream and the cone
in the PDF format.
Ice Cream Cone Birthday Display Set 1: PDF Format
Examples of January and February scoops of ice cream and labels.
1. Cut out the January scoop of ice cream.
2. Write names of students who have birthdays in January on the labels.
3. Cut out the labels and glue them on the January ice cream scoop.
4. Continue with February - December.
5. Assemble the vertical display of ice cream scoops.
6. The finished ice cream birthday display is approximately 70 inches in height.
Example of the ice cream cone.
Examples of different colors of the ice cream scoops.
Finished PDF Ice Cream Display
Due to space, I have only shown 2 of the 12 months.
Ice Cream Cone Birthday Display Set 2: Microsoft Format
With the Microsoft Word version of this birthday teaching resource, you can customize each
month's birthday ice cream scoop yourself by using your computer to type in your students' names
and their birthdays directly on the ice cream templates.
You can arrange the student name text boxes anywhere
that you want on the ice cream template. You can change the font and the
color of the text.
This birthday display will look impressive with each month's
ice cream scoop customized and typed according to your students' birthdays
for that month.
Below are 2 examples of birthday scoops that are customized
by changing the font and text using a teacher's computer.
On this January birthday scoop, there are 3 text boxes containing students' names and birthdays.
On this February birthday scoop, there are 5 text boxes containing students' names and birthdays.
Above is a second 5 page banner that is included
in this Back to School bulletin board displays set.
Birthday Balloons Display Set
Back To School Bulletin Board Displays
Click on the Add to Cart button above to purchase this set of teaching resources.
You will be emailed a download link for this resource so you can download and use it today!
- Secure payment method through Paypal.
- Use your credit card or Paypal account.
- Download link is emailed to you today!
- Print as many copies as you want.
- Save and reuse this resource forever!
The above five page Happy Birthday banner is included
in this Back to School bulletin board displays set.
Are you looking for a fun idea and way to display your students'
birthdays? This set of birthday balloons is colorful, unique, and available
in both PDF format and Microsoft Word
so that you can type on the templates and customize them yourself.
The 12 monthly birthday balloons in this set are designed in 12 different
colors and measure 6.5 inches in width and 8.5 inches in height.
This birthday balloon display set comes in two formats. The first is a
PDF file for teachers who do not have Microsoft Word on their computers
or who are not familiar with using Microsoft Word and text boxes.
With the PDF format of this resource, you simply have to print out the
balloons for the 12 months of the year and the labels provided.
Next, cut out the balloons and labels, write the students' names and birthdays
on the labels, and then glue the labels onto the balloon templates.
Below you will see examples of the 12 birthday balloons and labels available in PDF format.
Birthday Ballons Display Set 1: PDF Format
January - June Birthday Balloons
1. Cut out the January balloon.
2. Write names of students who have birthdays in January on the labels.
3. Cut out the labels (shown below) and glue them on the January balloon.
4. Continue with February - December.
5. Tie strings on the bottom of the balloons and display all 12 balloons in your classroom.
Cut out the student birthday labels and glue the labels onto the balloons.
Birthday Ballons Display Set 2: Microsoft Word Version
With the Microsoft Word version of this teaching resource, you can customize each month's
birthday balloon yourself by typing in your students' names and their birthdays
directly on the balloon templates.
By using the Microsoft Word version, you can arrange the student name text boxes anywhere that you
want on the balloon templates. You can change the font and the color of the text.
This birthday display will look impressive with each month's birthday
balloon customized and typed according to your students' birthdays for that month.
Below are 2 examples of birthday balloons that have been customized.
On the April balloon there are 5 text boxes for the students' birthdays.
On the May balloon there are 3 text boxes for the students' birthdays.
Below you will find examples of some matching sets of resources
that are available on Unique Teaching Resources.
Each of the boxes below contains a short description and a small picture of
these matching teaching resources.
If you click on the underlined
link at the bottom of each box, you will be taken to a web page that
describes that resource in more detail.
Dog and Fish Bulletin Board Displays:
12 Punctuation Puppies Display
There are 12 punctuation marks covered in this grammar bulletin
board displays set: period, question mark, exclamation point,
comma, apostrophe, quotation marks, colon, semicolon, parenthesis,
ellipsis, hyphen, and dash.
Click below for more information about:
Grammar Bulletin Board Displays
Dive Into The Parts Of Speech
This grammar Dive Into the Parts of Speech display set includes fish themed
resources for these 8 parts of speech: nouns,
verbs, adjectives, adverbs, pronouns, conjunctions, interjections,
and prepositions.
Click below for more information about:
Parts of Speech Displays
Dog and Fish Sticker Charts:
Puppy Reading Sticker Charts
Do you want to give your students an extra incentive
to read 15 books during a time period that you set for your them?
These cute puppy reading sticker charts will make your students
dog-gone enthusiastic about achieving this reading goal! This
set includes a matching student award certificate.
Click below for more information about:
Puppy Reading Sticker Charts
Dive Into Reading!
By using these fish shaped sticker charts, your students
will dive into reading 9 different genres of literature.
There are 11 different kinds of fish sticker charts in this ocean themed set of resources.
Your ocean bulletin board display of your students reading charts will capture everyone's attention.

Click below for more information about:
Dive Into Reading Sticker Charts
Dog and Fish Book Report Projects:
Dog Book Report Projects
Your students will be barking with enthusiasm to start this reading project!
The writing assignments include Something Worth Barking About
and A Tail Wagging Event.
Project Measurements:
Width = 12 inches Height = 20 inches
Click below for more information about:
Dog Book Report Projects
Dive Into Reading Fish Set
Do you want to encourage your students to dive into reading great books?
This set contains 12 unique fish templates so that you can assign a variety
of different fish templates to your students.
Project Measurements:
Width = 9 inches Height = 7 inches
Click below for more information about:
Dive Into Reading Fish Set
August Calendar Set
Back To School Bulletin Board Displays
Note: On the above page, you will find links to download all 12
of my FREE classroom calendar sets for January - December!
Click on the Add to Cart button above to purchase this set of teaching resources.
You will be emailed a download link for this resource so you can download and use it today!
This August calendar set can be displayed on a bulletin board or placed inside a pocket chart.
This calendar set includes:
August banner, large days of the week, small days of the week, square dates for 1-31, birthday squares, and blank square
September Calendar Set
Back To School Bulletin Board Displays
Note: On the above page, you will find links to download all 12
of my FREE classroom calendar sets for January - December!
Click on the Add to Cart button above to purchase this set of teaching resources.
You will be emailed a download link for this resource so you can download and use it today!
This September calendar set can be displayed on a bulletin board or placed inside a pocket chart.
This calendar set includes:
September banner, large days of the week, small days of the week, square dates for 1-31, birthday squares, and blank square
Click on one of the pencil cases below to view these
other categories of Back To School Teaching Resources:
Thank you for visiting my Back To School Bulletin Board Displays page.
Please be sure to check out the other pages on Unique
Teaching Resources for a large variety of fun lesson plan activities
that will engage your students in learning and save you valuable time.
Creator and Website Manager
Unique Teaching Resources
If you are interested in viewing other
Back To School teaching resources that are
found on my website, click on one of the links below.