Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Lesson Plans (Page 2)
Fun Projects and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Lesson Plans
Below you will find short descriptions for the
4 Charlie and the Chocolate Factory projects
that are found on Unique Teaching Resources.
If you click on the underlined links at the bottom of each box, you
will be taken to the area on the page that shows larger pictures of the project,
banner, and the other worksheets that are included in each resource set.

1. Factory Group Project
Willy Wonka's Chocolate
Factory Group Project
Your students will love completing this extra large and scrumdiddlyumptious group project together!
For this project, students work together to write descriptions and draw pictures about what happens to the four naughty children in the following factory rooms:
- Augustus Gloop:
Chocolate Room
- Violet Beauregarde:
Invention Room
- Veruca Salt: Nut Room
- Mike Teavee: TV Room
Students also write descriptions and draw pictures for the these characters:
Willy Wonka
Charlie Bucket
Oompa Loompas
These finished Willy Wonka projects measure 22 x 20 inches and they will make a dynamic and eye-catching display in your classroom or hallway.
Click below for more information about:
Willy Wonka's Chocolate
Factory Group Project
2. Character Body Projects
Templates and Instructions For
Creating 8 Character Projects
Your students will love creating large character body projects for these 8 characters:
- Willy Wonka
- Charlie Bucket
- Augustus Gloop
- Veruca Salt
- Violet Beauregarde
- Mike Teavee
- Grandpa Joe
- Oompa Loompa
Students use the directions sheet to fold and cut out a body for their characters.
Then, students customize their projects by designing their own heads, hands, and feet for their characters.
Students write about their characters inside the vest area and they glue descriptive adjectives on the character's arms, legs, and pants/skirt.
Click below for more information about:
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
8 Character Body Projects
3. Wanted Posters
Templates For Creating Wanted
Posters For 13 Characters
Students love creating wanted posters featuring characters from their favorite books.
This Charlie and the Chocolate Factory resource set
contains Wanted Posters for these 13 characters from the story:
- Willy Wonka
- Charlie Bucket
- Augustus Gloop
- Veruca Salt,
- Violet Beauregarde
- Mike Teavee
- Oompa - Loompa,
- Mr. Bucket
- Mrs. Bucket
- Grandpa Joe
- Grandma Josephine,
- Grandpa George
- Grandma Georgina.
4. Character Wheel
Templates For Creating a
Wheel of 8 Characters
When this character wheel is assembled together, the project measures 16 inches by 16 inches.
Students write character description on the lined areas and draw pictures of the characters in the triangle areas.
These character wheels look impressive when the 8 wheel sections are glued together
to form a circle. The assembled projects will make an eye-catching display inside your classroom!
The 8 characters that are featured in this wheel are:
- Willy Wonka
- Charlie Bucket
- Augustus Gloop
- Veruca Salt
- Violet Beauregarde,
- Mike Teavee
- Grandpa Joe
- Oompa - Loompa
Keep scrolling this page to view detailed descriptions and
larger picture examples for the above projects.
Wanted Posters Set For 13
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Characters
There are 13 separate Wanted Posters
in this set for these characters:
Willy Wonka, Charlie Bucket, Augustus Gloop, Veruca Salt,
Violet Beauregarde, Mike Teavee, Oompa - Loompa,
Mr. Bucket, Mrs. Bucket, Grandpa Joe, Grandma Josephine,
Grandpa George, and Grandma Georgina.
This 5 page banner is included for free in this set of
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory lesson plans.
Wanted Posters Set: 13 Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Characters
Willy Wonka, Charlie Bucket, Augustus Gloop, Veruca Salt,
Violet Beauregarde, Mike Teavee, Oompa - Loompa, Mr. Bucket, Mrs. Bucket,
Grandpa Joe, Grandma Josephine, Grandpa George, and Grandma Georgina.
Click on the Add to Cart button above to purchase this set of teaching resources.
You will be emailed a download link for this Wanted Poster set so you can download and use it today!
- Secure payment method through Paypal.
- Use your credit card or Paypal account.
- Download link is emailed to you today!
- Print as many copies as you need.
- Save and reuse this fun project forever!
Students love creating wanted posters featuring characters from their favorite books.
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl is an ideal book for
this activity because the four naughty children in the story make perfect
characters for wanted posters.
This set of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory lesson plans includes a
wanted poster that is designed specifically for each of the 4 naughty children: Augustus Gloop, Veruca Salt,
Violet Beauregarde, and Mike Teavee.
In addition, there are also wanted posters designed specifically for these 9 characters:
Willy Wonka, Charlie Bucket, Oompa - Loompa, Mr. Bucket, Mrs. Bucket,
Grandpa Joe, Grandma Josephine, Grandpa George, and Grandma Georgina.
You can let students choose which characters from the story that they want to create
wanted posters for. These wanted posters are also ideal for collaborative group projects.
For students who are often reluctant about writing, I have found that my
students think that this writing task is scrumdiddlyumptious and they
tackle this assignment with great enthusiasm and creativity!
For this writing assignment, students have to describe the character's appearance,
what the character is wanted for, where the character was last seen, and the reward amount.
Next, students write a detailed narrative describing the action that happened,
and what made the character commit this crime.
This set of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory lesson plans contains two
templates that assemble into a wanted poster. The completed wanted poster
measures 13 inches in height and 10 inches in width.
This set of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory lesson plans includes:
- 5 Page Bulletin Board Banner (shown above)
- Assembling Directions (1 page)
- First Draft Worksheets (2 pages)
- Final Draft Black and White Templates (2 pages)
- Final Draft Color Templates (2 pages)
There is a separate set of individualized worksheets and wanted poster templates
for each of the 13 characters in the book.
Each character set contains 7 pages of printable worksheets and templates,
for a total of 91 pages of printable teaching resources in this set.
In addition, there is a 5 page bulletin board banner and a grading rubric,
making this 97 pages of printable teaching resource in total.
There is a second version of each character's worksheets and wanted poster templates
that contains British spelling rules (colour instead of color, favourite instead
of favorite, etc).
1. Assembling Directions (1 Page)
This fun project contains directions on how to cut the two templates
and then glue them together to form a wanted poster.
Below is an example of the directions worksheet for the Veruca Salt wanted poster.
The other 12 characters' worksheets are not shown.
Veruca Salt - Wanted Poster Assembling Directions
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Lesson Plans
2. First Draft Writing Worksheets
I believe that the writing process is important and that teachers should use process writing whenever
For this reason, my students never begin their wanted posters by writing
on their final draft templates, instead they write on first draft worksheets.
Next, my students edit and revise their written work on their
own, with a partner, or in individual writing conferences with me.
Students write about the following topics for this fun creative writing assignment:
- Physical Description
- Wanted For
- Last Seen
- Reward Amount
- Narrative Describing the Crime
On my first draft worksheets, I have designed the writing line spaces to match the
spaces allotted on the final draft wanted poster templates.
Below are examples of the first draft worksheets for the Veruca Salt wanted poster.
The other 12 characters' worksheets are not shown.
Veruca Salt - First Draft Worksheets
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Lesson Plans
3. Final Draft Wanted Poster Templates
Each character set includes 2 final draft wanted poster templates.
After students have written their final drafts, they cut out these two templates
and glue them together to form a wanted poster.
Assembling these wanted posters is easy:
- Cut the dotted line off the bottom section and glue this piece onto the top section.
- Trim the wanted poster by cutting along the thick black border.
- Draw a picture inside the empty box.
The completed wanted poster projects
measure 13 inches in height and 10 inches in width.
Below are examples of the two final draft templates for the Veruca Salt wanted poster.
The other 12 characters' templates are not shown.
Veruca Salt - Wanted Poster Final Draft Templates
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Lesson Plans
4. Color Final Draft Templates
When I am first introducing my students to a new project, I believe that it
is important for them to have a visual example of what their final draft projects
will look like. I always assemble the project myself beforehand and
display it at the front of my classroom.
To save you time in coloring the wanted poster that you show to your students
as an example, I have included color wanted poster templates for you
to use so that you do not have to spend time coloring these templates yourself.
You can also choose to print out these color templates to give to your students,
instead of having students color their templates themselves using the black and white templates.
Below are 6 examples of the final draft wanted poster color templates.
Each of the 13 different characters' posters are designed in a different color scheme.
Below are examples of the Wanted Posters for
Willy Wonka and Charlie Bucket.
Below are examples of the Wanted Posters for
Veruca Salt and Mike Teavee.
Below are examples of the Wanted Posters for
Augustus Gloop and Violet Beauregarde.
Not Shown: Oompa - Loompa, Mr. Bucket, Mrs. Bucket,
Grandpa Joe, Grandma Josephine, Grandpa George, and Grandma Georgina.
5. Grading and Evaluation Rubric
A grading rubric is included in this set of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory lesson plans.
I believe that it is important for students to evaluate their own work, so this project contains
an assessment section for both students and teachers.
When students evaluate their character projects, they
color in the faces on their grading rubric worksheets.
When a teacher evaluates the projects, the teacher circles the small numbers inside each
box on the printable worksheets.
Below is an example of the wanted poster grading rubric.
Wanted Poster Grading Rubric
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Lesson Plans
6. Bulletin Board Display Banner
I know that it takes teachers a lot of valuable time to assemble their
bulletin board displays.
Many teachers spend hours of time cutting out
large display letters or making a banner on their own at home on their
This time is valuable and better spent on developing your classroom
curriculum and grading papers, so I have designed a
banner for your bulletin board display.
If you have access to a laminating machine, you can laminate this
banner so that it is durable and you can use it year after year for
bulletin board displays of your students' Charlie and the Chocolate Factory wanted posters.
This 5 page banner is included for free in this set
of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory lesson plans.
Character Wheel Projects
For Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Character Wheel Projects
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Lesson Plans
Click on the Add to Cart button above to purchase this set of teaching resources.
You will be emailed a download link for this character wheel project so you can download and use it today!
- Secure payment method through Paypal.
- Use your credit card or Paypal account.
- Download link is emailed to you today!
- Print as many copies as you need.
- Save and reuse this fun project forever!
This 5 page banner is included for free in this set
of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory lesson plans.
In the bulletin board banner above, the names of the
8 characters are written inside the chocolate doughnut.
Below is a large screenshot of this section of the banner.
Are you looking for a fun, simple, and quick project that you can assign to your students after they
have read Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl?
These character wheels look impressive when the 8 wheel sections are glued together
to form a circle.
The assembled projects will make an eye catching display inside your classroom!
If you are looking for a fun idea for a collaborative group project,
this is a unique idea that focuses on the
8 main characters from Roald Dahl's story.

8 character templates in this projects are: Willy Wonka, Charlie Bucket, Augustus Gloop, Veruca Salt, Violet Beauregarde,
Mike Teavee, Grandpa Joe, and the Oompa - Loompas.
When this character wheel is assembled together, the project measures 16 inches by 16 inches.
Students write a character description on the lines and draw a picture in the empty triangle area.
This set of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory lesson plans contains the following:
- teacher directions
- first draft writing template
- final draft black and white templates for 8 different characters
- color final draft templates (red, blue, orange, green, pink, purple, and yellow/brown)
- matching 5 page bulletin board display banner
Below is an example of the teacher directions that are included in this set.
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Lesson Plans: Character Wheel Directions
Even though this is a short writing assignment, I prefer to have my students complete a first draft
of this assignment before they write on their final draft templates. I help my students
edit their first drafts before they start on their final draft character templates.
Below is an example of a first draft worksheet along with the final draft template for Veruca
Salt. The line spaces on the first draft match the line spaces on the final draft.
On the final draft character wheel templates, students write their description on the lines
provided. Next, students draw and color a picture inside the triangle area of their character from
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
After students have finished their projects and you have assembled the
8 pieces together, glue the title circle in the middle of the
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory character wheel.
Below is an example of completed Character Wheel Project.
(This photograph contains characters from a
variety of different
Roald Dahl novels and not just Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.)
This set of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory lesson plans includes character
wheel templates in the following colors:
red, blue, orange, green, pink, purple, and yellow.
If you choose to use these color templates, your students' finished projects will
look even more dynamic on your bulletin board display.
If you are using this character wheel as a group project,
it would be ideal to print out different colors of templates for each group.
Purple Character Wheel Templates
Yellow Character Wheel Templates
Not Shown: Red, Blue, Orange, Green, and Pink Templates
Above: These character wheel projects look great
hanging from a clothesline in a classroom.
Above: These character wheel projects look impressive
displayed in a hallway.
Above: One year my students made an extra large character wheel group project!
Teaching Resources and Ideas
for Roald Dahl Day:
Roald Dahl a cookbook based on food found in his different stories that is available for purchase on (see the box found below).
I have purchased this cookbooks I have use it to help me plan a fun Roald Dahl Day for my students.
This cookbook contain scrumdiddlyumptious
recipes for food items that are found in many different Roald Dahl books.
This cookbook is filled with color photographs, as well as illustrations by Quentin Blake.
I had this Roald Dahl cookbook displayed in my classroom library and during free time, it was one of my students' favorite books to read.
You can purchase this Roald Dahl Cookbook
from Amazon by clicking in the box above.
Photographs from Roald Dahl Day:
Above: On this Roald Dahl Day, I am dressed as Willy Wonka and my student
is dressed as Farmer Bunce from Fantastic
Mr. Fox. This student made an Enormous Crocodile sandwich to share with his classmates.
Above: For this Roald Dahl Day, I am dressed up as Amanda Thrip from the book Matilda.
My three students are dressed up as Willy Wonka.
Below are some additional examples of character body
book reports from some of Roald Dahl's other novels.
Above: My students have completed projects for the following Roald Dahl characters:
Mr. Twit from The Twits, Willy Wonka from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory,
The Big Friendly Giant from The BFG, and Miss Honey from Matilda.
If you are interested in a generic character body book report that
you can use for any character from a book, click on the link below:
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Lesson Plans For Teachers
Click on the chocolate bar on the left to view my other teaching resources
and fun student projects for this scrumdiddlyumptious book by Roald Dahl.
PAGE 1 - Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Projects
More Fun, Extra Large, and
Scrumdiddlyumptious Projects
For Roald Dahl's Books:
1. Crocodile Group Project
Your students will enjoy completing this extra large group project together.
For this fun cooperative group project, students work together to describe the four clever tricks that the Enormous Crocodile
plans in order to eat the children in town.
There are also areas on the crocodile templates for students to draw pictures that represent the crocodile's four clever tricks.
Click below for more information about:
The Enormous Crocodile
Crocodile Group Project
2. Wanted Poster
The Enormous Crocodile is an ideal character for a wanted poster because of the nasty tricks that he plans in order to eat some of the children in the town.
For this fun project, students describe the crocodile's appearance, where he was last seen, and the reward amount.
Students love using their imaginations to create a crime that the crocodile committed and why he is wanted by the police.
Click below for more information about:
The Enormous Crocodile
Wanted Poster
3. Clever Trick #5
For this creative writing assignment, students pretend that they are Roald Dahl and write a story about a new idea for a clever trick.
Students create a new setting, introduce a new animal character, and write a story about the crocodile's 5th clever trick and his clever disguise.
Click below for more information about:
The Enormous Crocodile
Clever Trick #5
4. Crocodile Times Newspaper
Your students will enjoy pretending that they are newspaper editors and creating a Crocodile Times newspaper based on The Enormous Crocodile.
For this fun creative writing assignment, students write three newspaper articles and draw a comic strip for their Crocodile Times newspapers..
Click below for more information about:
The Enormous Crocodile
Crocodile Times Newspaper
5. Quiz and Worksheet Set
This resource set includes:
Quiz and these 8 Worksheets:
- creative writing worksheet
- character description worksheet
- adjectives worksheet
- wordsearch puzzle
- word scramble puzzle (shown above)
- secret message puzzle
- letter tiles puzzle
- simile worksheet
Click below for more information about:
The Enormous Crocodile
Quiz and Worksheet Set
6. Sandwich and Bookcover
1. Create a Yummy Enormous
Crocodile Sandwich
2. Design a Bookcover
For an Enormous Crocodile
Creative Writing Assignment
1. ESIO TROT Group Project
(5 page bulletin board
display banner)
For this extra large and fun cooperative group project, students work together to describe the two main characters, the problem,
and the solution.
Project Measurements:
Width = 16 inches Height = 21 inches
2. Flip Book Writing Templates
(Backwards Banner:
Are you looking for tortoise shaped creative writing templates?
In this ESIO TROT set, there are 3 templates that are stapled together to form a flip book.
Project Measurements:
Width = 9 inches Height = 5.5 inches
3. ESIO TROT Sticker Charts
These fun Esio Trot sticker charts will motivate your students to come out of their shells and make steady progress towards a goal that you set for them.
Project Measurements:
Width = 10 inches Height = 6 inches
4. Tortoise Book Cover
Your students can create tortoise book covers for their Esio Trots assignments using these basic materials:
- light green construction paper measuring 9 inches by 24 inches (background)
- dark green construction paper measuring 9 inches by 12 inches (for turtle shell)
- medium green construction paper (for 9 scales to glue on the shell)
- gray construction paper (head and feet)
The Giraffe and the Pelly and Me - Group Project
Below: There are also monkey and
pelican templates to glue on top of the giraffe's head.
For this extra large giraffe group project, students work together to describe Billy, The Duke of Hampshire, and the three animals that make up the Ladderless Window Cleaning Company.
In addition to writing character descriptions, students write a 6 line rhyming poem in the same style that Roald Dahl uses throughout the story. There are also four areas
on the giraffe templates for students to draw pictures that represent the characters and the poem that they wrote together.
Project Measurements:
36 x 21 inches
Click on the book covers below to view
the fun, unique, and extra large projects that I have
designed for these popular novels and picture books.
Amelia Bedelia First Day of School Herman Parish (2 Projects)
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Roald Dahl (4 Projects)
A Christmas Carol Charles Dickens (2 Projects)
The Enormous Crocodile Roald Dahl (6 Projects)
Esio Trot Roald Dahl (4 Projects)
First Day Hooray Nancy Poydar (1 Project)
First Day Jitters Julie Danneberg (1 Project)
The Giraffe and the Pelly and Me Roald Dahl (1 Project)
The Giving Tree Shel Silverstein (1 Project)
How I Spent My Summer Vacation Mark Teague (1 Project)
How the Grinch Stole Christmas Dr. Seuss (1 Project)
Shiloh Phyllis Reynolds Naylor (1 Project)
Stellaluna Janell Cannon (1 Project)
Twas the Night Before Thanksgiving Dav Pilkey (1 Project)
The Way to Start a Day Byrd Baylor (2 Project)
The Whipping Boy Sid Fleischman (2 Projects)
Click on the book covers to see the fun, unique, and extra large projects that are available for each book.
Thank you for visiting my
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Lesson Plans lesson plans page.
Please be sure to check out the other pages on Unique
Teaching Resources for a large variety of fun lesson plan activities
that will engage your students in learning and save you valuable time.
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Unique Teaching Resources