Halloween and October Writing Prompts
Creative Writing Ideas and Journal Topics
For Halloween and October
October and Halloween Writing Prompts: Are you looking for a creative list of writing prompts and
journal ideas to use during the month of October?
Below, you will find a list of general October writing topics and a list of
specific calendar dates for October which contain creative writing ideas related to
that particular date in October.
I have created this list of Halloween and October writing prompts and ideas for
elementary school teachers and students, but many of these creative
writing ideas and topics would also be appropriate for other grade levels.
You will find some Halloween and October writing prompts below that contain underlined
links. If you click on an underlined link:
- You will be directed to another page on Unique Teaching Resources that contains detailed
lesson plan ideas and printable worksheets for those October writing prompts.
- You will be directed to another website that contains useful information
related to those particular October writing prompts.
General Halloween and October Writing Prompts:
Inside the Haunted House
- These Haunted House printable worksheets can be used for many of the October writing prompts that are found on this page.
- Click on the following link to view the page where this set of Halloween teaching resources can be found: Haunted House Worksheet and Banner Set
- As the Clock Struck Twelve ...
- I'm Batty About ...
Ghostly Tales
- These Halloween Ghost printable worksheets can be used for many of the October writing prompts that are found on this page.
- Click on the following link to view the page where this set of Halloween teaching resources can be found: Ghost Worksheet and Banner Set
- A Scary Ghost Was Chasing Me
- A Spooky Character
One Spooky Night
- These Halloween Spooky Night printable worksheets can be used for many of the October writing prompts that are found on this page.
- Click on the following link to view the page where this set of Halloween teaching resources can be found: Spooky Night Worksheet and Banner Set
- I Was Really Scared When ...
- The Mysterious Footprints Led To ...
Meet My New Friend: Frankenstein
- These Frankenstein printable worksheets can be used for many of the October writing prompts that are found on this page.
- Click on the following link to view the page where this set of Halloween teaching resources can be found: Frankenstein Worksheet and Banner Set
- My Favorite Halloween Costume
- The Mad Scientists: Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
In the Pumpkin Patch
- These pumpkin shaped printable worksheets can be used for many of the October writing prompts that are found on this page.
- Click on the following link to view the page where this set of Halloween teaching resources can be found: Pumpkin Worksheet and Banner Set
- Carving a Jack-O-Lantern
- Safety Tips For Going Trick-Or-Treating
What's Brewing? Write a Recipe for Witch's Brew.
- A Magic Spell
- A Tasty Halloween Treat
- Planning a Halloween Party
- Riding On the Witch's Broom
"Witch" Story Do You Like Best?
- These Witch printable worksheets can be used for many of the October writing prompts that are found on this page.
- Click on the following link to view the page where this set of Halloween teaching resources can be found: Halloween Witch Worksheet and Banner Set
- The Old Witch Was Mixing Her Brew
- The Scarecrow
Tales From the Graveyard
- These Graveyard printable worksheets can be used for many of the October writing prompts that are found on this page.
- Click on the following link to view the page where this set of Halloween teaching resources can be found: Halloween Graveyard Worksheet and Banner Set
- The Old Graveyard Was Filled With...

Specific October Writing Prompts:
Celebrations, Events, Holidays, and Dates in History:
Scroll through this page, or click on the links below, to read
about each of these October writing prompts and holidays.
National Book Month - October
The purpose of National Book Month is to encourage readers of all ages to enjoy books.
To coincide with National Book Month, the National Book Foundation
announces its National Book Awards during the month of October.
- What is a book that you recommend that other children your age should read during National Book Month? Explain why this is one of your favorite books.
- What is a book that you recommend to read aloud to kindergarten students during National Book Month? Explain why you recommended this book.
- Write a book report project describing your favorite book. My Favorite Book Report Page contains a fun book report template (shown below) shaped like a first place trophy that is ideal to use with your students during National Book Month.

- Visit Oprah's Kids' Reading List page to use Oprah's guide from the American Library Association to find book lists that are divided into age levels, as well as different interesting categories.
- On the Ways to Celebrate National Book Month page there are some good ideas for how to celebrate this month such as creating a class book club, book swaps between students, book parties, and involving the whole family in reading during October.
- National Book Month is a great time of the year to begin using reading incentive charts with your students. On my Halloween English teaching resources page you will find bat and witch reading incentive charts (shown below) that will help you to encourage your students to read during the month of October.
National Pizza Month- October
National Pizza Month is in October and we began celebrating National Pizza Month in 1987.
Since children ages 3 - 11 prefer eating pizza over all other foods for lunch and dinner
(according to a recent Gallup Poll),
this is a great topic to use to engage your students in fun creative writing activities.
Below you will also find some unique pizza lesson plan ideas that include
reading and math activities as well.
- Write a persuasive essay explaining why there should be a day off from school in October to celebrate National Pizza Month.
- Using the 5 senses (sight, hearing, touch, smell, and taste), describe your favorite type of pizza to eat.
- Write a report on the history of pizza using information from the following web pages:
- National Pizza Month is an ideal time of the year to introduce your students to
my Pizza Reading Sticker Charts that
will encourage your students to read books independently this school year.
- This is also an ideal time of the school year to introduce your students
to my Multiplication Pizza Sticker Charts that
will encourage your students to learn their times tables.
National Crime Prevention Month - October
In 1984, the National Crime Prevention Council (NCPC) designated October Crime Prevention Month.
The NCPC's mission is to be the nation's leader in helping people keep themselves,
their families, and their communities safe from crime.
- Write an essay explaining why you admire police officers and the difficult jobs that they have.
- Have your students visit McGruff the Crime Dog Child Safety Center Website and write a list of crime prevention tips that they learned from this website.
- On the National Crime Prevention Council's Resources page you will find a variety of useful resources about the following topics: bullying, cell phone safety, Halloween safety, Internet safety, and home safety.
- To tie in with National Crime Prevention Month, have your students complete a wanted book report project. My Wanted Poster Book Report Page contains a fun book report activity (shown below) that is ideal to use with your students during National Crime Prevention Month.
National Fire Prevention Week - 2nd Week of October
National Fire Prevention Week is observed in the United States during the week in which October 9th falls.
The first Fire Prevention Week was observed in 1925 by a proclamation made by President Calvin Coolidge.
National School Lunch Week - October 15 - 19 (2012)
National School Lunch Week is celebrated in the United States in October.
It was created in 1962 by President John F. Kennedy,
16 years after President Harry Truman signed the National School Lunch Act into law.
- Why is it important for students to eat a healthy lunch?
- What is the best school lunch you've ever had?
- Can you think of three ways to make the lunches at your school better that include healthy food items on the menu?
- The School Nutrition Association web page, contains information about National School Lunch Week, as well as fun puzzles and school lunch related brainteasers for your students.
Second Monday of October - Columbus Day
Columbus Day is celebrated on the second Monday of October in the United States.
This holiday commemorates the landing of Christopher Columbus in the New World on October 12, 1492.
- Pretend that you are an explorer and want to take an expedition to an unknown land. You will need money to finance your adventure. Write a letter to a king, queen, president, or a wealthy person to ask for help to finance your adventure.
- Write about an imaginary voyage and create a map that charts your route.
- Have a discussion about navigation and exploration with your students and show how them how to use a compass. Give your students a map of your school (or the playground area) with coordinates or directions, and then send them on a Columbus Day treasure hunt for items that you have hidden.
- By using the directions and photographs on the Kaboose Egg Cup Ships page, have your students make mini versions of the Nina, Pinta, and the Santa Maria using egg cartons.
- Visit Wikipedia's Columbus Day Page to learn more information about this holiday.
October 14 - Dessert Day
National Dessert Day is celebrated on October 14 and it is one of the
tastiest holidays of the year!
- What is your favorite dessert? Write a recipe for how to make your favorite dessert. Include the ingredients needed and the directions for each step in the recipe.
- Invent a new dessert for Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory. Design a poster advertising this new dessert product.
- Combine National Pizza Month with National Dessert Day by making a brownie pizza with your students.
- To tie in with National Dessert Day, have your students complete a birthday cake book report project. My Birthday Cake Book Report Page contains a fun book report activity (shown below) that is ideal to use with your students on National Dessert Day.
October 16 - World Food Day
World Food Day is recognized on October 16. This day was created
to call attention to the shortage of food in many parts of the world.
World Food Day was proclaimed in 1979 by the Conference of the
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and marks the date of the founding of the FAO in 1945.
The purpose of this worldwide event is to increase public awareness of the world food
problem and the struggle against hunger, malnutrition, and poverty.
- Name three things you could do to help children in other countries on World Food Day.
- Name three things you could do to help children in your own community on World Food Day.
- The World Food Program provides information about world statistics for hunger and malnutrition.
- Every year, Tom Wilson (the creator of the Ziggy cartoons) designs a special World Food Day cartoon featuring Ziggy and friends. To view these illustrations that began in 1984, click on the following link: Tom Wilson World Food Day Ziggy Cartoons
- Feeding Minds Fighting Hunger is a website that explores the problems of hunger, malnutrition, and food insecurity. This website contains detailed lesson plans for teachers on hunger and malnutrition at the primary, intermediate, and secondary levels.
October 16 - Dictionary Day
Dictionary Day is celebrated on October 16 in honor of Noah Webster.
The objective of this day is to emphasize the importance of dictionary skills and to improve your vocabulary.
Webster was born on October 16, 1758 and he is considered to be the "Father of the American Dictionary."
Noah Webster began to write his dictionary at the age of 43 and it took him 27 years to finish it.
- Create an A to Z Dictionary (or word list) based on your favorite hobby or sport.
- Find 5 words in the dictionary that you are unfamiliar with and write their definitions on your paper. Write a sentence using each of these 5 new words that you learned.
- Have your students complete a Biography Newspaper Project about Noah Webster.
- As a group project, have your students complete a Character Body Book Report Project about Noah Webster together.
- Visit Wikipedia's Noah Webster page to learn more this American educator.
- On Webster Word Central students can play spelling and vocabulary games.
October 24 - United Nations Day
United Nations Day is celebrated on October 24 and it recognizes the United Nations
organization and all of the people who participate and serve in this world organization.
People around the world look to the United Nations to help alleviate poverty and hunger,
to keep the peace, to expand education, and stand up for human rights in every corner of the globe.
The United Nations delivers humanitarian aid to the neediest areas in the world.
They vaccinate 40 per cent of the world's children.
They feed more than 100 million people and help millions of refugees,
most of them women and children fleeing war and persecution.
- On this day, I often read my students The Way to Start a Day by Byrd Baylor (a Caldecott Honor winning book).
Click here to go to my web page that contains ideas and teaching resources for this book: The Way to Start a Day lesson plans.
- Research UNICEF and write a summary describing the purpose of this organization.
- On my Peace Day web page you will
many teaching resources that would be great to use for United Nations Day. Click here to go to Heidi's Peace Day Lesson Plans page.
- P.E.A.C.E. acrostic poem writing inside globe templates
- Dove shaped creative writing templates
- Cooperative group project using large P.E.A.C.E. letters
End of Halloween and October Writing Prompts

October Printable Calendar Set
Note: On the above page, you will find links to download all 12
of my FREE classroom calendar sets for January - December!
My printable calendar sets are designed to fit inside the
monthly calendar pocket charts that many teachers use.
My holiday calendar sets contain
the following printable worksheets:
Above: The large October calendar title is a
2 page banner template that is glued together and cut out.
Above: This printable calendar set for October includes large
days of the week templates for the 7 days of the week
(Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday are shown above).
This printable calendar set for October includes smaller calendar pieces for the 7 days of the
week that will fit inside your calendar pocket chart.
There are 31 square calendar number dates in this teaching resources set.
There are squares for you to print and write your students' names and birthdays on.
There are 11 printable calendar worksheets in this
October teaching resources classroom display set.
Note: At the top of this box, there is a
free download link for this October calendar set.
Below are some ideas and examples of teaching resources
that can be used for some of the Halloween and October
writing prompts that are found on this page:
Haunted Times Newspaper Set
Witch and Cauldron Templates
What's Brewing Witch's Recipe
For these Halloween worksheets, students can
create a recipe for a special witch's brew or
they can write the ingredients for their favorite recipe.
Click below for more information about:
Halloween and October Writing Prompts
What's Brewing Witch's Recipe
Halloween Haunted House
Your students will enjoy writing a spooky story about a haunted house during October with these
Halloween language arts worksheets.
Click below for more information about:
Halloween and October Writing Prompts
Halloween Haunted House Worksheets
Halloween Ghostly Tales
Your students will enjoy this spooky creative writing assignment. Students write ghostly tales
using these
Halloween language arts worksheets.
Click below for more information about:
Halloween and October Writing Prompts
Halloween Ghostly Tales
One Spooky Night...
For this October assignment, students can write a short story or a poem about
the topic "One Spooky Night" using these
Halloween printable worksheets.
Click below for more information about:
Halloween and October Writing Prompts
One Spooky Night...
Pumpkin Patch Worksheets
Students can cut out these Halloween language arts worksheets along the thick border and
then they will have fun pumpkin shaped templates to write on.
Click below for more information about:
Halloween and October Writing Prompts
Pumpkin Patch Worksheets
Frankenstein Worksheets
"Frankly We Think Our Work Is Great!" is a shorter Halloween writing assignment, so it would be
ideal to use for a spooky Halloween poetry writing activity.
Click below for more information about:
Halloween and October Writing Prompts
Frankenstein Halloween Worksheets
Witch Story Do You Like Best?
"Witch Story Do You Like Best?" is a Halloween language arts worksheet that focuses on reading
and students write an essay about their favorite books.
Click below for more information about:
Halloween and October Writing Prompts
Witch Story Do You Like Best?
Spooky Character Stories
Your students will enjoy writing a spooky story about Halloween Characters during October with these
Halloween printable worksheets.
Click below for more information about:
Halloween and October Writing Prompts
Spooky Character Stories
October Creative Writing
These printable worksheets for the month of October contain pumpkin graphics and would
appropriate for a wide range of creative writing topics.
Click below for more information about:
Halloween and October Writing Prompts
October Creative Writing Worksheet
Spooky Graveyard Stories
For this creative writing assignment, students write spooky stories set in a graveyard
with these
Halloween language arts worksheets.
Click below for more information about:
Halloween and October Writing Prompts
Spooky Graveyard Stories
Pumpkin Poetry Templates
Students write an acrostic poem with the letters that form the word P.U.M.P.K.I.N.
They cut the templates along the thick black border,
and then they have unique pumpkin shaped poetry templates.
Click below for more information about:
Pumpkin Acrostic Poems
Ghost Poetry Templates
October is a fun time to include some poetry writing activities
into your language arts lessons. For this activity, students write an
acrostic poem with the letters that form the word G.H.O.S.T.
Click below for more information about:
Ghost Acrostic Poems
Halloween Homophones
Your students will enjoy playing this engaging Halloween Who Wants To Be A Millionaire
game while they are reviewing homophones. (Ex: witch/which, right/right, hole/whole,
would/wood, there/their)
Click below for more information about:
Halloween Homophones Powerpoint
Halloween Verbs
Students find present tense verbs and change them into
past tense verbs. You can individualize this activity by replacing the names
in the sentences, with the names of your own students.
Click below for more information about:
Halloween Present/Past Tense Verbs
Halloween Word Problems
Your students will love solving addition and subtraction word problems
with this fun Halloween activity! Each word problem is presented using large and
colorful animated (moving) graphics.
Click below for more information about:
Halloween Math Word Problems
Halloween Pumpkin Squares
Students have to solve addition and subtraction equations, using an
engaging Halloween puzzle style format. There are 5 puzzles in this set and
a student answer worksheet.
Click below for more information about:
Halloween Pumpkin Math Squares
Click on one of the tags below to view the different categories of
Halloween Teaching Resources that are available on my website:
Click on one of the calendars
below to go to a specific page
of monthly writing prompts:
On these pages, you will find creative writing prompts
that pertain to each month's themes, holidays, and events.
Thank you for visiting my October writing prompts page.
Please be sure to check out the other pages on Unique
Teaching Resources for a large variety of fun lesson plan activities
that will engage your students in learning and save you valuable time.
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Unique Teaching Resources