February and Valentine's Day Teaching Resources
Lesson Plans and Activities for February
Welcome to my February and Valentine's Day Teaching Resources web page for teachers.
On this page, you will find Valentine's Day and February teaching resources for English,
powerpoint lesson plans, bulletin board displays, and printable worksheets for creative writing assignments.
Since Valentine's Day is not a very large holiday, I have not created as many themed resources
for this page as I have for some of the other months and holidays. All of my Valentine's Day
teaching resources can be found on this page.
Below you will find short summaries of the
10 Valentine's Day resources that are available on this page.
Click on the "more information" link at the bottom of each box to read
detailed information and see large picture examples for each project.
V. Day Noun Powerpoint
Fall In Love With Nouns is a Valentine's Day powerpoint lesson. This fun presentation reviews 3 types of nouns: common nouns, proper nouns, and pronouns.
There are 14 sets of questions and answers in this powerpoint lesson, which contains 37 slides.
We Love Reading Books!
Motivate your students to read 16 books and fall in love with reading with these sticker charts.
Although this set can be used any time of the year, I designed it as a February reading program and
I used heart shaped graphics to tie in with a Valentine's Day theme.
Valentine's Day Resource Set
This Valentine's Day value pack contains a set of 4 matching resources:
- card and 5 page bulletin board display banner (shown above)
- I Love Reading banner
- poem and banner
- sticker chart and banner.
Things That We Love!
For this Valentine's Day activity, students write two paragraphs about things that they love.
Students choose 2 topics from this list: person, sport, book, movie, restaurant, game, place, and holiday.
This set also includes a 5 page bulletin board display banner (shown above).
A Gift From the Heart - 3D Box
A Gift From the Heart is a fun 3 dimensional project.
The assembled 3D gift box measures 5.5 x 5.5 x 8.5 inches.
This set of teaching resources will help you to remind your students that the most special gifts do not involve money, instead, they are gifts that involve being thoughtful and kind.
Valentine's Day Poem Set
This Valentine's Day poetry set includes two different heart shaped poem templates.
The one on the left is a general poetry worksheet and the template on the right is a L.O.V.E. acrostic poem.
This resource set includes a matching 5 page bulletin board display banner and first draft writing worksheets (not shown here).
Valentine's Day February Letters
For February and Valentine's Day, include a lesson on writing letters in your language arts lesson plans using these colorful Valentine's Day worksheets.
Valentine's Day Someone Special
For this creative writing activity that has a Valentine's Day theme, students write an essay about someone who is special to them or that they admire.
Groundhog Day February 2
Have your students create a flip book using these Groundhog Day writing templates. Students color and design their booklet covers and then write their stories on the inside templates.
FREE February Calendar Set
The pieces in this FREE calendar set fit perfectly inside pocket charts (or you can use them on
a classroom bulletin board display).
This calendar set includes the following:
- February title (2 page printable banner)
- large days of the week
- small days of the week
- dates squares (1 -31)
- holiday squares
- student birthday squares
- blank heart squares.
Fall In Love With Nouns:
Common Nouns, Proper Nouns, and Pronouns
Valentine's Day Powerpoint Lesson Plans
Fall In Love With Nouns
Valentine's Day Teaching Resources Powerpoint
Click on the Add to Cart button above to purchase this set of teaching resources.
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this resource so you can download and use it today!
- Secure payment method through Paypal.
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- Download link is emailed to you today!
- Print as many copies as you need.
- Save and reuse this fun project forever!
A very DETAILED description about this
Valentine's Day Noun Powerpoint is provided below.
There are 14 sets of questions and answers in this Valentine's Day Nouns powerpoint presentation which contains 37 slides.
This powerpoint lesson reviews common nouns, proper nouns, and pronouns using a fun Valentine's Day theme.
Below is an example of one of the question slides.
Below is an example of one of the answer slides.

This Valentine's Day powerpoint presentation includes a
student response answer worksheet. By using this student response
printable worksheet, your students will be
actively engaged in participating in this review of common nouns, proper nouns, and pronouns.
Click on the link below to download a free sample of this set of Valentine's Day powerpoint
lesson plans.
This Fall In Love With Nouns sample will show you an example of a question
slide, and this is the section where students write their answers on their
response worksheets.
Next, you will see an example of an answer slide,
where you review the answers to each question and students grade their work.
We Love Reading: Sticker Chart Set
I Love Reading Sticker Chart Set
Valentine's Day Teaching Resources
Click on the Add to Cart button above to purchase this set of teaching resources.
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this resource so you can download and use it today!
- Secure payment method through Paypal.
- Use your credit card or Paypal account.
- Download link is emailed to you today!
- Print as many copies as you need.
- Save and reuse this fun project forever!
A very DETAILED description about this
Valentine's Day sticker chart set is provided below.
"I Love Reading" is a sticker chart set that will motivate your students to read at home
during the month of February. These Valentine's Day teaching resources contain 30 pages of printable worksheets.
This "I Love Reading" sticker chart set contains the following components:
- Black and white book sticker chart template
- 7 different colors of book sticker chart templates
- 5 page Valentine's Day themed bulletin board banner (above)
- 5 page reading themed bulletin board banner (see below)
- Parent letter and reading record sheet to send home in a Micosoft Word document that you can edit to meet your individual needs and requirements
- Student award certificate in color and black and white
- 8 color book accent pieces for your bulletin board display
You can cut out these reading sticker charts along the thick black lines to have unique book
shaped reading sticker charts. There is one black and white book template and 7 different
colors of book templates for you to choose from.
Below is the black and white template and the red template that can be used
for a February and Valentine's Day reading display.
This set can be used any time of the year to promote and encourage reading. I have
included 6 other colors of templates for you to use if you are using this set during other months of the year.
Since this set can be used any time of the year, I have designed a separate bulletin
board banner that does not have Valentine's Day graphics on it for you for use during
the other months of the year.
Below: This set includes 8 colorful books to use as bulletin board accent
pieces to help you create your eye-catching bulletin board display.
The 8 reading slogans that are written inside the books are:
- It's COOL To LOVE Reading!
- Reading Gives You a STRONG Vocabulary!
- Wise Owls Read Every Night!
- Reach for the TOP by READING!
- READING Takes You Places!
- Reach For the Stars With READING!
- Check Out a Book Today!
Below: This set includes a student award certificate that you can present to your students
when they have completed their I Love Reading sticker charts. A black and white copy of this award
certificate is also included in this set.
Below is a letter that you can send home to parents that explains this home reading program, along with
the worksheet for parents to sign each time their child reads at home. This parent letter is in the
form of a Microsoft Word document so that you can edit it to your own word choice.
Valentine's Day
Teaching Resources Value 4 Pack
- We Love These Books!
- Our February Sticker Charts
- Our Valentine's Day Poems
- Our Valentine's Day Cards
Valentine's Day Value 4 Pack
Valentine's Day Teaching Resources
Click on the Add to Cart button above to purchase this set of teaching resources.
You will be emailed a download link for
this resource so you can download and use it today!
- Secure payment method through Paypal.
- Use your credit card or Paypal account.
- Download link is emailed to you today!
- Print as many copies as you need.
- Save and reuse this fun project forever!
A very DETAILED description about this
Valentine's Day Value 4 Pack Set is provided below.
Set 1: I Love This Book!
February and Valentine's Day is a perfect time for your students to fall in love with
reading! I use Valentine's Day as an opportunity for my students to each share a book that
they recommend (and love!) reading to their classmates. This set of Valentine's Day reading
resources will also make a great bulletin board display that promotes reading in your classroom.
For this reading response activity, students
write about the topic: I Love This Book! You can use this set of resources for students to write
a short description about their favorite books.
On Valentine's Day, you can have your students prepare short oral presentations about the books
that they love and recommend. When students listen to book recommendations by their classmates, they
will also be inclined to want to read those books.
Below: 5 page bulletin board display banner
This I Love This Book! teaching resources set contains a first draft printable worksheet for your
students to use.
Even though this is a short reading response activity, I still like my students to complete a
first draft of this assignment. Since these reading hearts will be displayed on my classroom
bulletin board, I like to minimize careless errors on student work that is posted in my classroom.
There are 2 copies of the first draft on each worksheet to save space and
copying paper. Cut the printable worksheets in half and give one first draft to each student.
After my students have written their first drafts and proofread and edited them with a
partner or myself, I give my students their final draft heart templates.
There is a black and white heart template for you to give to your students and a color
heart template for you to use as your example that you show to your students.
Set 2: Valentine's Day Card
There are two different sets of Valentine's Day card templates to choose from in this
set of teaching resources.
The first card is a heart shaped writing template that
matches the I Love This Book! heart templates in the above reading set. The second is a traditional
rectangular card that has a cover and opens up to reveal the message written inside.
I have my students complete 2 final drafts of
their cards, one card they give to someone and the second copy of the card is
for our classroom bulletin board display.
This Valentine's Day card set contains a 5 page bulletin board display banner for your classroom.
Below: This Valentine's Day card teaching resource set contains a first draft printable worksheet
for your students to use to begin this assignment.
Even though this is a short writing activity, I still like my students to complete a
first draft of this assignment. I do not want my students to take home cards to give to their parents that contain careless errors written on them.
There are 2 copies of the first draft on each worksheet to save space and
copying paper. Cut the printable worksheets in half and give one first draft to each student.
After my students have written their first drafts and proofread and edited them with a
partner or myself, I give my students their final draft card templates. There are two
different versions of cards for you to choose from.
The first set is a heart template that matches the I Love This Book! hearts. There is a black
and white heart template for you to give to your students and a color heart template for
you to use as your example that you show to your students.
The second set of card templates is a two page rectangular template. There is a black
and white card template for you to give to your students and a color card template
for you to use as your example that you show to your students.
Set 3: Valentine's Day Sticker Chart
During the month of February, use these heart shaped sticker charts to motivate
your students to reach a goal that you have set for them.
These heart shaped sticker chart templates match the hearts in the previous two
Valentine's Day teaching resources. You could use these sticker charts to record
homework, reading, acts of kindness from the heart, behavior, or for a topic related to your curriculum.
Below: This Valentine's Day sticker chart set contains a
5 page bulletin board display banner for your classroom.
There is a black and white heart sticker chart template for you to give to your students and a color
heart sticker chart template for you to use as your example that you show to your students.
After your students have completed their February sticker charts, reward them for their
achievements by presenting them with an award certificate.
There are color and black and white copies of this award certificate in this set of teaching resources.
Set 4: Valentine's Day Poems
Valentine's Day is a good opportunity for you to present a poetry lesson to your students. For this creative
writing assignment, I have my students write a poem about something that they love.
These heart poetry templates match the previous Valentine's Day teaching resources and I have designed
these 4 sets of resources to compliment each other. These 4 resources have heart shaped templates
that match, the same font is used throughout the 4 sets, and the bulletin board display banners
contain similar color schemes.
Below: This Valentine's Day poetry set contains a
5 page bulletin board display banner for your classroom.
This Valentine's Day poetry teaching resource set contains a first draft
printable worksheet for your students to use to begin this creative writing assignment.
Even though this is a short poetry activity, I still like my students
to complete a first draft of their poems. Since these poetry hearts will be displayed on my
classroom bulletin board, I like to minimize careless errors on student work that is posted in my classroom.
There are 2 copies of the first draft on each worksheet to save space and
copying paper. Cut the printable worksheets in half and give one first draft to each student.
After my students have written the first drafts of their poems and proofread and edited
them with a partner or myself, I give my students their final draft heart templates.
There is a black and white poem template for you to give to your students and a color
poem template for you to use as your example that you show to your students.
Things That We Love
Valentine's Day Creative Writing Set
Things That We Love - Creative Writing Set
Valentine's Day Teaching Resources
Click on the Add to Cart button above to purchase this set of teaching resources.
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this resource so you can download and use it today!
- Secure payment method through Paypal.
- Use your credit card or Paypal account.
- Download link is emailed to you today!
- Print as many copies as you need.
- Save and reuse this fun project forever!
A more DETAILED description about this
Valentine's Day Things That We Love is provided below.
This Valentine's Day creative writing set includes the following:
- 5 page bulletin board banner (above)
- First draft printable worksheets
- Black and white final draft heart templates
- Color final draft heart templates
For this creative writing assignment students write two paragraphs about things that
they love on their first draft worksheets. The 8 topic choices for students to choose
from are: person, sport, book, movie, restaurant, game, place, and holiday.
There are two final draft printable worksheets that are
glued together to form a large heart inside of a circle creative writing template.
There are two writing spaces inside the heart for students to write their two paragraphs. Below is an example of the
final draft black and white templates for this project.
Below is an example of the color templates that are included in this set and what
the finished Valentine's Day project looks like when the two templates are glued together.
The final draft templates measures 12 inches in width and 10
inches in height when they are glued together and cut along the circle border.
Valentine's Day Poetry Set
Valentine's Day Poetry Set
Valentine's Day Teaching Resources
Click on the Add to Cart button above to purchase this set of teaching resources.
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this resource so you can download and use it today!
- Secure payment method through Paypal.
- Use your credit card or Paypal account.
- Download link is emailed to you today!
- Print as many copies as you need.
- Save and reuse this fun project forever!
A more DETAILED description about this
Valentine's Day Poetry set is provided below.
This Valentine's Day Poetry Set includes:
- 5 page poetry bulletin board banner (above)
- General poem writing template (color and black and white printable worksheets and templates)
- Acrostic poem writing template (color and black and white printable worksheets and templates)
Valentine's Day and February Letter Writing
Stationery and Matching Banner Set
Valentine's Day and February Letter Writing Set
Valentine's Day Teaching Resources
Click on the Add to Cart button above to purchase this set of teaching resources.
You will be emailed a download link for
this resource so you can download and use it today!
- Secure payment method through Paypal.
- Use your credit card or Paypal account.
- Download link is emailed to you today!
- Print as many copies as you need.
- Save and reuse this fun project forever!
This "Valentine's Day Letter Writing"
Stationery Set includes the following:
5 page bulletin board display banner (shown above)
Color printable worksheets (shown above)
Black and white printable worksheets (not shown)
Valentine's Day Someone Special
Stationery and Matching Banner Set
Valentine's Day Someone Special Stationery Set
Valentine's Day Teaching Resources
Click on the Add to Cart button above to purchase this set of teaching resources.
You will be emailed a download link for
this resource so you can download and use it today!
- Secure payment method through Paypal.
- Use your credit card or Paypal account.
- Download link is emailed to you today!
- Print as many copies as you need.
- Save and reuse this fun project forever!
This "Valentine's Day Someone Special"
Stationery Set includes the following:
5 page bulletin board display banner (shown above)
Color printable worksheets (shown above)
Black and white printable worksheets (not shown)
For this writing assignment, students should choose someone who is special to them
to write about. I found that if I used the word "special" instead of "love,"
my students were more comfortable with choosing a wider variety of people to write about for this topic.
Groundhog Day: February 2
Lesson Plans, Project Templates,
and Writing Prompt Ideas
Are you looking for a fun project for Groundhog Day? I have created a separate web page devoted just to
this February holiday.
On my Groundhog Day lesson plans page,
you can read a description about this holiday and watch two two videos that will
help to explain the traditions and history of Groundhog Day.
This page contains ideas for Groundhog Day writing prompts and lesson plan ideas for a project
that involves your students in creating Groundhog Day booklets.
February Calendar Set
February Calendar Set
Valentine's Day Teaching Resources
Note: On the above page, you will find links to download all 12
of my FREE classroom calendar sets for January - December!
The first thing that teachers do each month is change their classroom calendars.
Above is an example of
my printable monthly calendar for February. I have designed the calendar templates in this
holiday calendar to fit inside the monthly calendar pocket charts that many
teachers use.
The large February calendar title is a 2 page banner template that is glued together and cut out.
This printable calendar set for February includes large calendar templates for the 7 days of the
week: Monday (shown above), Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.
This printable calendar set for February includes smaller calendar pieces for the 7 days of the
week that will fit inside your calendar pocket chart.
The square calendar number dates (1-31) also fit inside pocket charts. There are square birthday
calendar templates for you to print and write your students' names and birthdays on.
This set includes a printable blank calendar piece (not shown) for you to use for a variety of different purposes.
There are 11 printable calendar pages in this February teaching resources calendar set.
Click on this link to go to my
Free Printable Classroom Calendars page.
On the above page, you'll find links to 12 FREE calendar sets for January - December.
Thank you for visiting my Valentine's Day Teaching Resources page.
Please be sure to check out the other pages on Unique
Teaching Resources for a large variety of fun lesson plan activities
that will engage your students in learning and save you valuable time.
Creator and Website Manager
Unique Teaching Resources
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seasonal and holiday teaching resources?
Click on the links below to go to one of these
fun holiday teaching resources web page: