These pencil poetry templates will provide you with all of the teaching resources that you need for your students to write a fun introductory biography poem about themselves.
Click below for more information about:
All About Me Poems
Have you found it difficult to come up with new, creative, and
engaging ideas for writing poetry during your language arts lessons?
The poetry writing templates that you will find on this page are
unique in shape, size, and themes.
These finished poetry projects will make a dynamic and colorful
bulletin board display of your students' poetry work that they will be proud of.
It is often difficult to get students enthusiastic about writing
poetry. I have found that my students immediately become more
interested in writing poems when the poetry templates are unique
in shape and have interesting themes.
When I give my students unique and fun poetry templates to write on,
I have found that they tend to use their best effort and they
are more careful to not make careless spelling, grammar, and
punctuation errors.
All of the poetry lesson plans and sets on this page contain:
Below is a list of the fun poetry lessons plans that are available on my website.
This list has been grouped together by academic and holiday themes.
If you scroll further down on this page, you will be able
to see visual examples of these same poetry projects and templates.
Below you will find a list of the fun poetry teaching resources that are
available on Unique Teaching Resources.
Each of the boxes below contains a short description and a small picture of each of my poetry lesson plans.
If you click on the underlined link at the bottom of each box, you will be taken to a web page that describes that poetry teaching resource in more detail. This new web page will show you larger pictures of the poem template, as well as the 5 page bulletin board banner that is included in all of my poetry lesson plans.
These pencil poetry templates will provide you with all of the teaching resources that you need for your students to write a fun introductory biography poem about themselves.
Click below for more information about:
All About Me Poems
Are you looking for a fun and engaging poetry lesson activity that emphasizes using similes? These Simile Snake poems will make a very colorful poetry display in your classroom.
Click below for more information about:
Simile Lesson Plans
If you have 25 students in your classroom, you can create a caterpillar display that is over 15 feet long with these unique poetry lesson plans. Each student writes a poem in one of the caterpillar templates.
Click below for more information about:
Caterpillar Poems
These ice cream shaped poems are a fun way for your students to write a poem about their favorite colors. For example, if a student's favorite color is blue, he could write a poem about the ocean.
Click below for more information about:
Ice Cream Color Poems
These poetry lesson plans will have your students' poetry flying high in the air! Students write a shape poem where each line of their poem is shorter in length than the previous line.
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Kite Poetry Templates
For these poetry lesson plans, students write an acrostic poem with the letters that form the words T.H.A.N.K.Y.O.U. Thank-sgiving is an ideal time for this poetry assignment!
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Thank You Acrostic Poem
Students write an acrostic poem with the letters that form the word P.E.A.C.E. They cut the templates along the thick black border, and then they have unique globe shaped Peace Day poetry templates.
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P.E.A.C.E. Acrostic Poems
Students write an acrostic poem with the letters that form the word P.U.M.P.K.I.N. They cut the templates along the thick black border, and then they have unique pumpkin shaped poetry templates.
Click below for more information about:
Pumpkin Acrostic Poems
October is a fun time to include some poetry writing activities into your language arts lessons. For this activity, students write an acrostic poem with the letters that form the word G.H.O.S.T.
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Ghost Acrostic Poems
This S.N.O.W. acrostic poem is designed inside a snow globe template. There are separate templates for girls (shown here) and boys. Your students will enjoy these fun winter poetry lesson plans.
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S.N.O.W. Acrostic Poem
This Valentine's Day Poetry Set includes two different heart shaped poem templates. The first is a general poetry worksheet and the second is a L.O.V.E. acrostic poem.
Click below for more information about:
Valentine's Day Poem Set
"May the Luck of the Irish" be with your students as they write a poem for St. Patrick's Day. This would be a wonderful time to introduce your students to writing an Irish limerick!
Click below for more information about:
St. Patrick's Day Poem
Earth Day is celebrated on April 22. This is a perfect opportunity for your students to write an acrostic poem with an environmental theme that is set inside a globe template.
Click below for more information about:
E.A.R.T.H. Day Acrostic Poems
This is a S.P.R.I.N.G. rainbow shaped acrostic poem. This acrostic poem is different because the key letters appear in the middle of the poem, instead of at the beginning of the poem.
Click below for more information about:
Spring Acrostic Poem
Are you looking for a Mother's Day activity that is unique and different? Every mother loves to receive flowers on Mother's Day! Students write Mother's Day poems inside these unique flower templates.
Click below for more information about:
Mother's Day Flower Templates
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Teaching Resources for a large variety of fun lesson plan activities
that will engage your students in learning and save you valuable time.
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Unique Teaching Resources
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Creative Writing Templates
Extra Large Projects and Matching Bulletin Board Banner Sets
Poetry Templates
Extra Large Projects and Matching Bulletin Board Banner Sets
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