Turtle Sticker Charts
Look at the progress that we are making!
Turtle Sticker Charts
Teaching Resources Set
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A very DETAILED description about these
Turtle Sticker Charts is provided below.
Turtle Sticker Charts: These animal shaped sticker chart templates will motivate your students to come out of
their shells and make steady progress towards a goal that you set for them.
There are 20 boxes for you to place stickers inside on these turtle templates. You can use these incentive
charts for any goal that you choose. Your students will be motivated to reach the target of getting 20 stickers
on these turtle shaped sticker charts.
These turtle incentive charts provide you with everything that you need to encourage your students to reach
the target of 20 that you set for them. You could use these turtle sticker chart templates for a variety of
different purposes: homework, behavior, class work, good citizenship, math, spelling, or reading.
Students will enjoy taking their completed turtle sticker charts home with them when they have reached their goals
and sharing this achievement with their parents. The parents of your students will appreciate
the extra effort that you have put into positively reinforcing your students to work hard in your classroom.
Turtle Sticker Charts Set:
What's Included?
This set includes 2 colored turtle templates and two black and white templates to choose from. These
turtle sticker charts measure 10 inches in width and 6 inches in height.
I have designed the boxes inside the sticker chart to fit the standard small stickers that many teachers use. If you
do not have these small stickers, you can draw a smiley face or place a check mark inside each box.
I personally like to print out the color templates, and I make a class set using turtles facing both left and
right. I give each student a turtle and have them write their names inside that circle. Then, I laminate these
sticker charts. By doing this, later when I take each student's sticker chart off of my bulletin board, the chart does not
accidentally rip. I also think that it looks impressive to parents to send home these colored laminated sticker
chart templates when they are completed so that my students can post them in their bedroom, or on the
refrigerator, as a sign of their achievement.
I realize that not all teachers are able to print out color templates for each of their students, so I have
provided two different black and white templates of this chart. You can have your students
color their turtle sticker charts themselves using a black and white template.
I have designed templates of the turtles facing left and right, so that there is more of a variety in
a bulletin board display of these turtle sticker charts.
Below are examples of the two color turtle templates.
These turtle incentive charts measure 10 x 6 inches.
Below are examples of the two black and white turtle templates.

These turtle sticker charts are a wonderful way to positively reinforce your students for making progress towards their goal. If
you want to take this a step further and recognize your students' accomplishments of achieving the goal that you have set for
them, I have designed a matching student award certificate.
You can present this award to your students when they have reached their goal. I have designed color and black
and white copies of this award for you to choose from.
Your students will be excited to take their completed turtle sticker charts home with them, along with
their matching achievement award. Their parents will be impressed with the extra effort that you have
put forth in positively reinforcing and encouraging your students to reach a goal that you have set for them.
Below is an example of the matching student award certificate.
Many teachers like to make classroom bulletin board displays featuring their students' sticker and incentive charts. Classroom
displays of these turtle sticker charts will provide a strong visual reminder to your students of the goal that they are trying to achieve.
Bulletin board displays and preparing them take a lot of time for teachers. Many teachers spend their valuable time cutting
out large display letters or making a banner on their own at home on their computer.
This time is valuable and better spent on developing your classroom curriculum and grading papers, so I have designed
a matching 5 page display banner for your bulletin board. If you have access to a laminating machine, you
can laminate your banner so that it is durable and you can use it year after year for your bulletin board display.
Below is an example of the 5 page bulletin board display banner
that is included in this set of teaching resources.
To help you decorate your bulletin board with a turtle theme, I have provided turtle accent pieces for you to use in
preparing your bulletin board display. There are 6 turtles with related quotes on them for you to use as additional accent pieces.
- With Each Small Step, We Make PROGRESS!
- We "Shell" Reach Our Goals!
- A Turtle Only Makes Progress When He Sticks His Head Out!
- We are Using Our Best Effort!
- Turtles Win the Race By Using a Slow and Steady Pace!
- Try to Be Like a Turtle, at Ease in Your Own Shell!
This set of teaching resources also includes 15 pages of different sized and colored turtles to add as additional accent
pieces to help you decorate your turtle bulletin board display.
Turtle Sticker Charts
Teaching Resources Set
Click on the Add to Cart button above to purchase this set of teaching resources.
You will be emailed a download link for this sticker chart so you can download and use it today!
- Secure payment method through Paypal.
- Use your credit card or Paypal account.
- Download link is emailed to you today!
- Print as many copies as you want.
- Save and reuse this teaching resouce set forever!
Check out these other "Turtle Projects"
that are available on Unique Teaching Resources:
I've created an extra large turtle group project specifically for the Roald Dahl story Esio Trot.
Turtle Shaped Book Report Project
and Creative Writing Templates:
Extra Large Turtle Project
These extra large turtle templates are "Turtle-ific!" This activity is ideal for a cooperative group project,
or it can be completed as an individual student book report project.
Project Measurements:
Width = 24 inches Height = 17 inches
Turtle Writing Templates
These turtle templates would be ideal to use for a short writing
assignment, poetry, or a science unit. These cute writing templates will help you to design a turtle-iffic bulletin board display.
Project Measurements:
Width = 10 inches Height = 6 inches
Are you interested in seeing the other sticker charts
that are available on Unique Teaching Resources?
Click on one of the links below
to go to a specific sticker chart page:

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Please be sure to check out the other pages on Unique
Teaching Resources for a large variety of fun lesson plan activities
that will engage your students in learning and save you valuable time.
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Unique Teaching Resources