Writing Myths Lesson Plans:
Large Creative Writing Sword Templates
This five page banner is included for free in this set of Writing Myths lesson plans.
Legendary Stories: Writing Myths Lesson Plans
A Knight's Sword Creative Writing Templates
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Unique Sword Templates: Are you looking for a creative writing idea that involves your students writing a myth or legend?
This creative writing set includes final draft templates for students to write on that are in the shape of a knight's sword.
My students have enjoyed the challenge of writing their own myth, but when I combined this activity with these sword writing templates, they
became even more engaged and excited about this creative writing assignment.
These sword templates are an ideal resource to use along with novels
that have a castle, knight, or medieval theme in them. These templates would
also work well with a Middle Ages social studies unit of study.
For students who are often reluctant about writing stories, I have found that my students enjoyed this writing topic,
especially when they get to complete their final drafts on templates that
are shaped like a knight's sword.
They enjoy coloring and designing their swords and their finished sword projects make a colorful and eye catching classroom bulletin board display.
This Writing Myths Lesson Plans is a complete set of teaching resources
that will guide your students into writing their own myth or legend.
This set of teaching resources includes:
- Introducing Writing Myths and Legends Classroom Display Set
- Teacher Directions
- Assembling Directions
- Idea Swords (Idea Web)
- First Draft Writing Worksheets
- Final Draft Sword Templates
- 2 Final Draft Color Sword Templates
- Grading Rubric
- 5 Page Bulletin Board Banner
- 10 Helmet Bulletin Board Accent Pieces
Due to spelling differences in English, there
are two separate sets of teaching resources. You can select the version that contains the
spelling that is used in the country where you live.
(Examples: color / colour and favorite / favourite)
Writing Myths and Legends: Classroom Display Set
Use this teaching resources set to introduce writing myths to your students.
This classroom display set includes 20 pages of printable teaching resources (5 display swords) that
will help you introduce writing myths to your students.
You can display these writing prompt swords at the front of your classroom,
or you can create a clasroom bulletin board display using these sword displays.
There are 5 sets of display swords for you to use in introducing each aspect of a myth that
you want your students to think about as they are writing their own myths.
These 5 display swords are the same size and shape as the student templates
and each sword measures 31 inches in length and 9 inches in width.
Sword Display 1: Setting
- When does the story take place?
- Where does the story take place?
- How will your setting capture the reader's interest?
- How will the setting help you set the mood for your story?
Below are smaller examples of the other 4 myth swords that are included in this Writing Myths lesson plans resource set.
Sword Display 2: Characters
- What is the character's name?
- What does the character look like?
- What does the character act like?
- What are your character's strengths and weaknesses?
- What special strengths or abilities does the character have?
- What challenge will the character have to face?
Sword Display 3: Mythical Beast
- What will you call the beast in your story?
- What will the beast look like?
- What will the beast act like?
- What powers will the beast have?
- Where does the beast live?
- What makes this beast unusual?
Sword Display 4: Story Climax
- How does the hero/heroine find the beast?
- What happens when the hero/heroine finds the beast?
- Describe the conflict between the beast and the hero/heroine.
- Does the hero/heroine have any special help in solving the problem?
- Is the climax the most exciting part of your story?
Sword Display 5: Ending
- Who wins the struggle?
- How was the problem solved?
- What happened to the hero/heroine?
- Does the hero/heroine receive a reward?
Above: Bulletin board display of the five Myth Display Swords
Sword Creative Writing Projects For Your Students
Teacher Directions Worksheets:
There is a set of directions and ideas for teachers to use in this Writing Myths lesson plans set. Below
is an example of the teacher directions worksheet.
Assembling Directions Worksheets:
There is an assembling directions worksheet for you to give your students on how to assemble these sword templates. There
are also directions written on each of the worksheet templates. Below is an example of the assembling directions worksheets.
Idea Web Worksheets:
I have found that it is helpful for my students to start their creative writing assignments by beginning
with an idea web. My students do not have to write in complete sentences in their idea webs, they are
just concerned with mapping out the major elements of their stories. By using an idea web, this also helps my students
to break their stories into paragraphs.
Below are examples of the Idea Swords worksheets that you will find in
this Writing Myths lesson plans set. The idea webs are in the shape of swords.
I have provided writing prompts and ideas inside each of the four swords
to help guide students in planning their setting, main character, mythical beast,
climax, and ending of their stories (left worksheet). These are the same prompts that are in the large display
If you do not want to use these writing prompts, there is a second version of this worksheet with blank idea swords (right worksheet).
First Draft Worksheets:
For creative writing assignments, I believe that it is important for students to go through the writing process. This
process begins with their idea webs and is completed when students publish their work by completing their final draft sword templates.
For this reason, my students never begin this creative writing assignment by writing on their final draft sword templates, instead
they write on first draft worksheets. Then, they edit and revise their work on their own,
with a partner, or in individual writing conferences with me.
Below is an example of the first draft writing worksheets that are included in
this Writing Myths lesson plans set. The lines on these 2 first draft worksheets match the lines and spaces on the final draft sword templates.
Sword Creative Writing Templates For Your Students:
After students have edited and revised their first drafts, you should give them their final draft sword templates.
There are 4 templates that
are glued together to form a large medieval sword.
The sword project measures 31 inches in length and 9 inches in width.
These 4 templates have thick border lines around them, so they are easy for
students to cut and assemble their sword projects themselves.
Below is an example of the final draft sword templates that you will find in this Writing Myths lesson plans set.
Above: Example of an assembled sword creative writing project.
Color Sword Templates:
As I am introducing this writing assignment to my students, I like to begin by sharing my myth with my students.
I model my idea web and then I read my myth to my students.
At the front of the classroom, I display examples of what the final draft sword templates look like. By
providing a visual example at the very beginning of this activity, my students know what their myth creative writing
assignments will look like when they have completed all of the steps in the writing process.
I have included 2 different colored sword templates for you to use as visual examples to
show your students so that you don't have to spend time coloring these sword templates yourself.
Grading Rubric:
This set of teaching resources includes a grading rubric. I believe that it is important for students to evaluate their own work, so my grading rubric contains both
a student assessment and a teacher assessment component.
When the students grade their work, they color in the faces. When the teacher assessess the work,
the teacher circles the small numbers in each box beside the faces.
There are two different grading rubrics included in this set to choose from. The first one contains wording
similar to the words inside the sword idea webs (left worksheet). The second grading rubric contains wording that is
generic and would fit any creative writing assignment (right worksheet).
Bulletin Board Display Banner:
Finally, I know that it takes teachers a lot of valuable time to assemble their bulletin board
displays. Many teachers spend hours of time cutting out large display letters or making a banner on their own at home on their computer.
This time is valuable and better spent on developing your classroom curriculum and grading papers, so I
have designed a matching 5 page banner for your bulletin board display.
If you have access to a laminating machine, you can laminate your banner so
that it is durable and you can use it again next year.
(5 printable worksheets that are glued together to form a bulletin board display banner.)
Bulletin Board Accent Pieces:
This Writing Myths lesson plans set includes 10 helmet bulletin board accent pieces to help
you to decorate your classroom bulletin board display.
Above: This photograph shows examples of the student sword templates,
the bulletin board display banner, and the helmet accent pieces.
Legendary Stories: Writing Myths Lesson Plans
A Knight's Sword Creative Writing Templates
Click on the Add to Cart button above to purchase this set of teaching resources.
This creative writing project will be emailed to you and then you can download it instantly.
Print as many copies as you want! Save and reuse forever!
Related Teaching Resources
Great to Use With the Following Themes:
Castles, Knights, Medieval Times, and The Middle Ages
Extra Large Castle Project
Are you looking for an engaging, challenging, and extra LARGE book
report project with a medieval theme? This resource can be
used as a group project, or as an individual student project.
Project Measurements:
Width = 25 inches Height = 18 inches
Click below for more information about:
Extra Large Castle Projects
A Knight's Helmet Templates
Students write a story about being a knight in medieval times.
Use these helmet templates with novels
that have a castle, knight, or medieval theme in them, or during a social studies unit.
Project Measurements:
Width = 6 inches Height = 9 inches
Click below for more information about:
Knight Writing Templates
Click on the underlined links below to visit each page:
Thank you for visiting my Writing Myths Lesson Plans page.
Please be sure to check out the other pages on Unique
Teaching Resources for a large variety of fun lesson plan activities
that will engage your students in learning and save you valuable time.
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Unique Teaching Resources
Creative Writing Teaching Resources:
Click on the links below to visit these creative writing pages: