Spring Sticker Charts

Welcome to my Spring sticker charts page. Here you will find a variety of uniquely shaped sticker charts with spring themes that you can use to encourage your students to read or to reward them for making progress towards a goal that you have set for them.
On this page, you will find: rainbow, umbrella, and flower shaped spring sticker charts and templates that are ideal to use during the springtime.

Reading Rainbow Sticker Charts
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Reading Rainbow Sticker Chart
Spring Sticker Charts

These Reading Rainbow spring sticker charts will motivate your students to read during the springtime. Although I designed this sticker chart set to be used during the month of May, these rainbow sticker charts can be used anytime during the spring, or the rest of the school year if you choose.
This rainbow sticker chart measures 10 inches in width and 6 inches in height. There are 25 sticker boxes on this rainbow shaped incentive chart.
These spring sticker charts contains 19 pages of printable resources and contain the following components:
- Black and white rainbow sticker chart template (1 page)
- Colored rainbow sticker chart templates (1 page)
- Matching bulletin board display banner (above/5 pages)
- Student award certificate in color and black and white, one designed for girl students and another designed for boy students (4 pages)
- Parent letter and reading record sheet to send home in a Microsoft Word document that you can edit to meet your individual needs and requirements (2 pages)
- 6 rainbow accent pieces for your bulletin board display (6 pages)
You can cut out these spring sticker charts along the thick black lines to have unique rainbow shaped reading sticker charts.
Below are the black and white and color reading rainbow sticker chart templates.

Below: This set includes a Reading Rainbow Student Award certificate that you can present to your students when they have completed these spring sticker charts. There is a different award to give to boy and girl students. A black and white copy of this award certificate is also included in this set.

Below is a letter that you can send home to parents that explains this home reading program, along with the worksheet for parents to sign each time their child reads at home. This parent letter is in the form of a Microsoft Word Document so that you can edit it to your own word choice.
The title in the letter currently says May Reading Program, but you can easily change that in this Microsoft Word Document. This reading sticker chart could be used anytime of the school year.

Below: These spring sticker charts include 6 colored rainbows to use as bulletin board accent pieces to help you create your eye-catching spring sticker charts bulletin board display.
The 6 reading slogans that are written inside the rainbows are:
- Our Reading Rainbow Sticker Charts
- Meet Colorful Characters By Reading Books!
- Learn a Colorful Vocabulary By Reading Books!
- Travel to Colorful Places By Reading Books!
- Learn Colorful New Facts By Reading Books
- Go On Colorful Adventures By Reading Books!
- (There is a separate set of these rainbows with the spelling colourful).

It's Raining Books!
Reading Sticker Charts
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It's Raining Books!
Reading Sticker Chart
Spring Sticker Charts

It's Raining Books! is a sticker chart set that will motivate your students to read during the spring. Although I designed this spring sticker charts to be used during the month of April, it can be used anytime during the spring, or the rest of the school year if you choose.
There are two templates to cut out and glue together for this spring sticker charts set: the top umbrella section and the handle. These spring sticker charts measure 10 inches in width and 15 inches in height when it is assembled.
The stickers are placed inside the raindrops on the umbrella, and these raindrops are numbered 1-20 (you can't see the numbers in the example below, but they are slightly visible in the other examples that follow.) Students write their names in the handle and the umbrella's stick says, "It's Raining Books!"

These spring sticker charts contain 37 pages of printable resources.
This "It's Raining Books!" sticker chart set contains the following components:
- Black and white umbrella and handle sticker chart templates (2 pages)
- 9 different colored umbrella and handle sticker chart templates (18 pages)
- Matching bulletin board display banner (above/5 pages)
- Student award certificate in color and black and white (2 pages)
- Parent letter and reading record sheet to send home in a Microsoft Word document that you can edit to meet your individual needs and requirements (2 pages)
- 8 umbrella accent pieces for your bulletin board display (8 pages)
You can cut out these reading sticker charts along the thick black lines to have unique umbrella shaped spring sticker charts.
Below are the black and white umbrella reading sticker chart templates. There are two handles on each page to save paper when printing these pages.

There are 9 different colored umbrella templates for you to choose from. The first 2 are a variety of different colors:

The other 7 umbrella templates are in the following colors: red, orange, green, yellow, pink, purple, and blue. Below you will see examples of the red, green, and pink spring sticker charts.

Below: This set includes a It's Raining Books! Reading Award certificate that you can present to your students when they have completed their It's Raining Books! sticker charts. A black and white copy of this award certificate is also included in this set.

Below is a letter that you can send home to parents that explains this home reading program, along with the worksheet for parents to sign each time their child reads at home. This parent letter is in the form of a Microsoft Word Document so that you can edit it to your own word choice.
The title in the letter currently says April Reading Program, but you can easily change that in this Microsoft Word Document.

Below: This set includes 8 colored umbrellas to use as bulletin board accent pieces to help you create your eye-catching bulletin board display.
The 8 reading slogans that are written inside the umbrellas are:
- Our Reading Sticker Charts
- It's Raining Books!
- Get Drenched With Books!
- Spring Into Reading!
- Each Vocabulary Word You Learn is a DROP of New Knowledge!
- Open Up Your Reading Umbrella!
- Get Soaked With Great Literature!
- On a Rainy Day, Curl Up With Your Favorite Book! (a second copy with the spelling favourite is included)

Spring Flowers Sticker Charts Set
Color Templates, an Award Certificate,
and a Bulletin Board Display Banner
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Spring Flowers Sticker Charts
Spring Sticker Charts

Flower Sticker Charts: These flower shaped sticker chart templates will motivate your students to bloom this spring and achieve a goal that you set for them.
There are 20 boxes for you to place stickers inside on these flower templates. You can use these spring sticker charts for any goal that you choose. Your students will be motivated to reach the target of getting 20 stickers on these flower shaped sticker charts.
These Flower Sticker Charts provide you with everything that you need to encourage your students to reach the target of 20 that you set for them. You could use these flower sticker chart templates for a variety of different purposes: homework, behavior, class work, good citizenship, math, spelling, or reading.

Students will enjoy taking their completed flower sticker charts home with them when they have reached their goals and sharing this achievement with their parents. The parents of your students will appreciate the extra effort that you have put into positively reinforcing your students to work hard in your classroom.
If you are looking for a dynamic, bright, and colorful spring bulletin board display idea, these spring sticker charts that are shaped like flowers are a blooming great resource!

These spring sticker charts measure 6.5 inches in width and 6.5 inches in height, including the leaves and stems, the height of these flower templates is 12 inches.
I have designed the boxes inside the sticker chart to fit the standard small stickers that many teachers use. If you do not have these small stickers, you can draw a smiley face or place a check mark inside each box.

There are 12 different shaped flower templates. Below is an example of the last 8 flower sticker charts:

I wanted each of my students' spring sticker charts to have a flower that was a different shape and color, so that my bulletin board display of these charts would be an array of bright spring colors. Using the 12 previous flower shapes above, I created 18 additional flower sticker charts, but changed the color schemes in them so that I had 30 different flower sticker charts to select from. Below are the additional 18 sticker chart templates that I have included in this set.

This set includes stems with leaves on them, which you glue the flower sticker charts on top of. Students write their names on the stem. There are 4 different shaped leaf and stem templates (two are shown below), and these come in both the color and black and white templates.

These spring sticker charts are a wonderful way to positively reinforce your students for making progress towards their goal. If you want to take this a step further and recognize your students' accomplishments of achieving the goal that you have set for them, I have designed a matching student award certificate.

You can present this award to your students when they have reached their goal. I have designed color and black and white copies of this award for you to choose from.
Your students will be excited to take their completed flower sticker charts home with them, along with their matching achievement award. Their parents will be impressed with the extra effort that you have put forth in positively reinforcing and encouraging your students to reach a goal that you have set for them.
Below is an example of the matching student award certificate that comes with this sticker chart set.

This Flower Sticker Chart set includes 8 different student awards for you to choose from. Below is 1 example of the spelling award certificate.
The titles of the 8 student awards include:
- Spring Into Learning Award (shown above)
- Spring Into Action Award
- Flower Power Award
- Spring Into Reading Award
- Spring Into Spelling Award (shown below)
- Spring Into Math Award
- Spring Into Science Award
- Spring Into Homework Award

Many teachers like to make classroom bulletin board displays featuring their students' sticker and incentive charts. Bulletin board displays of these spring sticker charts provide a strong visual reminder to students of the goal that they are trying to achieve.

Bulletin board displays and preparing them take a lot of time for teachers. Many teachers spend their valuable time cutting out large display letters or making a banner on their own at home on their computer.
This time is valuable and better spent on developing your classroom curriculum and grading papers, so I have designed a matching 5 page display banner for your bulletin board. If you have access to a laminating machine, you can laminate your banner so that it is durable and you can use it year after year for your bulletin board display of these Spring Sticker Charts.
Below is an example of the 5 page bulletin board display banner that is included in this set.

This Flower Sticker Chart set includes 8 different bulletin board banners for you to choose from.
The titles of the 8 bulletin board banners include:
- Spring Into Learning: Our Sticker Charts are Blooming! (shown above)
- Spring Into Action: Our Sticker Charts are Blooming!
- Flower Power: Our Sticker Charts are Blooming! This banner is if you want to use this display at other times of the year other than spring. (shown below)
- Spring Into Reading: Our Sticker Charts are Blooming! (shown below)
- Spring Into Spelling: Our Sticker Charts are Blooming!
- Spring Into Math: Our Sticker Charts are Blooming!
- Spring Into Science: Our Sticker Charts are Blooming!
- Spring Into Homework: Our Sticker Charts are Blooming!

To help you decorate your bulletin board with a spring theme, I have provided 24 flower accent pieces for you to use in preparing your bulletin board display. Each flower is on a separate piece of paper and measures 4.5 inches in width and 9 inches in height.
Save these accent pieces and you can use them as bulletin board accent pieces for other displays throughout the school year.

Are you looking for some other
ideas for spring teaching resources?
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to go to a specific category of
Spring Teaching Resources:

List of Sticker Charts Available
On Unique Teaching Resources:
Please click on the underlined links below if you
want to view some of the other sticker chart sets
that are available on Unique Teaching Resources.
These incentive charts will help you to motivate
your students to use their best effort!
2 Different Pizza Reading Sticker Charts: Add pizzazz to your reading program with these delicious pizza shaped reading record charts. These pizza incentive charts will help you to encourage your students to read 8 different genres of literature or 8 different books. These reading charts will help your students read with pizzazz and to become enthusiastic about reading!
Dive Into Reading Sticker Charts: By using these fish shaped sticker charts, your students will want to dive into reading 9 different genres of literature. These fish sticker charts will create a Dive Into Reading bulletin board display that contains an abundance of different types of sea life on it that will capture everyone's attention.
Reading Passports – The Amazing Reading Race: For this fun reading sticker chart set, each athlete (student) races around the world reading 7 different books, which represent the 7 continents of the world. After students have finished reading a book, they fill out pages in their reading passports by writing a summary of the book and drawing a picture. Then, the students color that continent on their Amazing Reading Race Maps.
Puppy Reading Sticker Charts: Do you want to give your students an extra incentive to read 15 books? These cute puppy reading sticker charts will make your students dog-gone enthusiastic about achieving this reading goal! This set includes 6 colored templates and two black and white templates to choose from. All of my sticker chart sets include a matching student award and bulletin board display banner.
I Love Reading Sticker Charts: These book shaped reading sticker charts will help make your students fall in love with reading! This set includes 7 different colored book templates and one black and white template to choose from. This set includes two bulletin board display banners, one that you can use any time of the year, and another that has Valentine's Day graphics on it so that you can use this as a February reading incentive program.
Reading Rainbow Sticker Charts: Do you want to give your students an extra incentive to read 25 books? These colorful reading rainbow sticker charts will encourage your students to read books with colorful characters and plots in order to achieve this reading goal. This set includes a colored rainbow template and a black and white template to choose from. There are 6 colorful reading rainbow accent pieces in this set with reading slogans on them that promote a colorful reading theme.
Apple Sticker Charts: These reading sticker charts are designed inside apple templates. They are a perfect way to motivate your students to read at home at the beginning of a new school year. There are 17 boxes to place stickers in on these apple shaped templates. This set includes red and green apple templates, a matching student award certificate, a matching 5 page bulletin board banner, a letter to send home to parents, and 8 colorful apple accent pieces with reading slogans on them. This is a perfect reading sticker chart set to use for Back to School.
Reading Umbrella Sticker Charts - It's Raining Books! These umbrella shaped sticker charts are perfect for a spring reading theme. These colorful reading umbrella sticker charts will encourage your students to get drenched in reading books! This set includes 9 colored umbrella templates and a black and white template to choose from. There are 8 colorful reading umbrella accent pieces in this set with reading slogans on them that promote a "It's Raining Books!" reading theme.
Ice Cream Multiplication Incentive Charts: Do you want to give your students an extra incentive to learn their times tables? This unique ice cream multiplication incentive chart grows in height as your students learn their multiplication facts. As each student masters a new times table, they place that new scoop on top of their ice cream cone, so that your students' ice cream cone charts are growing as they are mastering their times table facts.
Multiplication Pizza Incentive Charts: Add pizzazz to your math program with these pizza times table incentive charts. These pizza shaped incentive charts will help you to encourage your students to master learning their times table facts. These math charts will help your students multiply with pizzazz and to become enthusiastic about learning their multiplication facts!
Flowers Sticker Charts: These flower shaped sticker chart templates will motivate your students to bloom with enthusiasm and achieve a goal that you set for them. There are 20 boxes for you to place stickers inside of on these flower shaped templates. There are 12 different shaped flower templates (as well as stems and leaves), and I have designed 30 different colored sticker charts for you to use so that each child's sticker chart is different. If you are looking for a dynamic, bright, and colorful spring bulletin board display idea, these flower sticker charts are a blooming great resource!
Football Sticker Charts: Your students will be eager to score a touchdown by completing their football sticker charts. There are 15 boxes for you to place stickers inside of on these football templates. These football sticker charts measure 8.5 inches in width and 5 inches in height. I have designed this sticker set so that it could be displayed as a football field bulletin board display. This set includes flags, cones, and football bulletin board accent pieces to help you in designing a bulletin board that resembles a football field.
Soccer Sticker Charts: Your students will get a real kick out of these soccer sticker charts. There are 15 boxes for you to place stickers inside of on these soccer ball templates, and you can use these incentive charts for any goal that you choose. Your students will be eager to score a goal and cross the goal line by reaching their target of getting 15 stickers on these soccer ball shaped sticker charts. For all of the other countries that call this sport "football," I have created a separate banner for this set that includes the word football. So, although I call this a "soccer sticker chart set," I know that the majority of the countries around the world would call this a "football sticker chart," so I have provided both word choices in this set.
Turtle Sticker Charts: These animal shaped sticker chart templates will motivate your students to come out of their shells and make steady progress towards a goal that you set for them. There are 20 boxes for you to place stickers inside of on these turtle templates. These turtle sticker charts measure 10 inches in width and 6 inches in height. This set includes additional turtle themed accent pieces to help you with decorating your bulletin board display.
100 Percent Club Sticker Charts: Your students will be enthusiastic about joining the 100% Club! There are 20 boxes for you to place stickers inside of on these 100% shaped templates. You can use these incentive charts for any goal that you choose. Your students will be eager to earn their next sticker on their chart and reach their target of getting 20 stickers on these 100% shaped sticker charts.
Halloween Sticker Charts: On this page you will find sticker charts in the shapes of bats, witches, and pumpkins.
Fall and Thanksgiving Sticker Charts: On this page you will find sticker charts in the shapes of books, leaves, turkeys, and a cornucopia.
Winter and Christmas Sticker Charts: On this page you will find sticker charts in the shapes of penguins, snow globes, stockings, and trees.
February and Valentine's Day Sticker Charts: On this page you will find a reading sticker chart set in the shape of book with heart graphics.
March and St. Patrick's Day Sticker Charts: On this page you will find sticker charts in the shapes of leprechauns, a pot of gold, and a recycling trash can.
Spring Sticker Charts: On this page you will find sticker charts in the shapes of rainbows, umbrellas, and flowers.

Thank you for visiting this Spring Sticker Charts page. Please be sure to check out the other pages on Unique Teaching Resources for a large variety of fun lesson plan activities that will engage your students in learning and save you valuable time.
Sincerely, Heidi McDonald
Creator and Site Manager
Unique Teaching Resources

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